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how to get a girl in my music class? - Printable Version

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how to get a girl in my music class? - punycrowd589 - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

so i like this girl called emily. she is the best looking girl in my year, in my opinion, but otheres dont seem to think so :L I play rugby, but i have a slight belly, i am starting to go to the gym on the 5x5 stronglifts program. We have spoken quite a few times on facebook, ad i really like her. Im 15, so is she .

(Just turned 15 on tuesday)
im 6ft, quite broad, with a mediumly sized afro. in the first 2 yearas of highschool, i didnt have a great popularity, but its better now.

she goes to my chemistry supported study too.

cheers Big Grin

- Mr. Hewes - 11-09-2012 11:06 AM

Simply ask her out if you want a quick resolution. You're chances are slim, but at least you get it over with. OR, chat her up, hang out, be close friends for a while (and I mean A WHILE, like more than a month). You will see if shes interested in you then but this will hurt your feelings more if you get rejected. So you choose lol.