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Why is my faceook being hacked and how can i remove it? - Printable Version

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Why is my faceook being hacked and how can i remove it? - godzilla - 11-09-2012 11:01 AM

This morning i realize that my facebook is posting these messages on most of friend's wall it said something like''hahahahaha i can not belieeve whaat you did in thisss videeoooo its so stupid its all over facee book!! goooo heree removeee theee spacesss -------> www .eventcools. com" I totally freak out of what going on with my facebook. Right now i just deactivate my facebook to prevent my friends from seeing it. So how can i remove it?(other than going through my friend list going to every profile to delete it)

- James Kingston - 11-09-2012 11:09 AM

This is easy to get rid of, try creating a new account, and try to avoid clicking advertisements ON facebook!

- GeordieGerbil - 11-09-2012 11:09 AM

Nobody has hacked your Facebook, it is a virus.

Somebody on your list has sent you the same thing (or something similar) and you have clicked on it. Once you open the link the virus has access to your Facebook and spams people, sending that message to other people (hoping they will click on it and thus the cycle continues).

- Dave B. - 11-09-2012 11:09 AM

Step 1: Change. Your. Password.

Step 2: Reformat your computer. Most likely, your password was swiped by a keystroke logging program that you accidentally installed on your computer. These are commonly bundled into anonymous internet downloads, such as movies, music, or porn. Clicking dubious links on Facebook can also be a source of malware. Anti-virus software will help catch these in the future, but they aren't so good at removing them once your computer is infected. Reformat, install anti-virus software, and watch for suspect sites, e-mails, and downloads in the future. Hint: anything that offers to give you a free toolbar or animated emoticons for your e-mail is always malware.