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What is the deal with Facebook Privacy right now? - Printable Version

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What is the deal with Facebook Privacy right now? - Hello - 11-09-2012 11:01 AM

I haven't went on facebook for like a week, and now it's all over the news. Something about facebook privacy or something??? what's going on?

- Tim - 11-09-2012 11:10 AM

Some people found a way to get into people's private chats, it's been fixed now, and unless you have friends who are over the top facebook guru's i wouldn't worry about it.

- Violentspot135 - 11-09-2012 11:10 AM

facebook changed the privacy settings so that your information is available to advertisers to be able to show you adds based on that info. you've probably noticed that the ads on the right are usually for bands you like and things you are interested in. rather than give you the option to activate this, it was done automatically, with you having to go and manually turn it off. although its not a security issue (these are things that you have posted online, so unless you don't want people to know, you wouldn't want to post it on facebook) the controversy is over the fact that facebook users are seen by facebook as unpaid workers who are making them money in every possible way.

- c0nfuted - 11-09-2012 11:10 AM

What privacy?

Privacy advocates not happy AT ALL:

Politicians ain't none too happy, either:

Politicians in Canada don't want to be left out, either:

Facebook is now allowing certain websites to add applications WITHOUT you knowing:,1

Yo! New software that allows your boss/company to see if you're not being nice:

Got any new friends? Are they FBI agents?

But what the heck... if the Library of Congress can buy the entire Twitter archives, allowing ANYONE to search EVERYTHING ever sent out on Twitter - what does one little "Chat" glitch on Facebook matter??? [Edit: sorry - forgot to paste the link!]: