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I feel like a failure in life. 10 PTS PLEASE HELP :(? - Printable Version

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I feel like a failure in life. 10 PTS PLEASE HELP :(? - Jello XD - 11-09-2012 11:02 AM

My story.
So I had 4 good friends, and they all knew who I liked. One girl went completely against me, robbed me of my friends who hate me now, and knows my secret, so if I say something she WILL tell EVERYONE! Even though he moved, SHE WILL TELL THE WORLD! Anyways, she told my one friend who still talked to me (Lets call this friend A and the rude girl B, and my 2 other friends C and D) that (A gave me permission!) I put ugly pics of her on Facebook. Idk why they were stalking me during a sleepover they had but they were, alll 4 of them. So now they don't even speak to me. So I lost all my friends...... Not to mention the b**** turned half my grade against me.

Second matter, is my crush. He's moved away this summer (I'm a grade 11, he is in 12) to a place 4 hours away, and I'm super depressed, because I liked him since September of Freshman year, and over the summer and xmas holidays, they were agony without seeing him, I feel dizzy when I speak to him, and he's honestly not too attractive, he just became attravtive physically because of his personality over the time. Anyways, I like him alot, and I lost my chance to tell him that I like him. I'm going to be seeing him in 2 weeks at a concert we're both going to, should I make a move or anything?

I am not too social. with others, mainly because I am not a typical prep or anything.... And it's frustrating, I want to get into student union, but can't because of how unpopular and disliked I am.
On Facebook I am shunned by almost everyone. No notifications most of the time, infact I got rude comments on one of my profile pictures which made me REALLY sad.

In school..... My art teacher critisized my art and told me it was bad right to my face, and my Drama teacher told me I was great in Drama, but then didnt let me into the special program because I wasn't good enough, although I made a couple people cry (My monologue was anger and sadness) expressing the emotions through to the viewer during my audition. They let people with a 70% in drama in but not me with an 85%...... REALLY?!!

All in all.... I just hate myself, and sometimes I wonder why I'm not dead yet. I do feel a fear of death though.... So I don't think something like that would work out.

- Kenny - 11-09-2012 11:10 AM

As stated in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens," you shouldn't center your life on your friends since they come and go too easily. You're still young, the school year just started, you have a lot of time left to make friends. You have a great sense in guys, focusing more on personality then his physical appearance, and you seem like a great person. Personally, I think you should tell him, but maintaining a far distance relationship may be tough and healthy relationship should benefit both people equally. You shouldn't let what other people think of you effect your ability to live life to the fullest. Try joining a club, schools tend to have many clubs that allow meet new people that also have the same interests as yourself. You should also try talking to your counselor about problems you have, I know it's a bit strange telling a complete stranger how you feel, but what your say to them is confidential and will try and help deal with your problem or questions you have.