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I have a's slightly large, help? - colossalbrain331 - 11-09-2012 11:03 AM

I have just started uni and my girlfriend is around 4-5 hours away from me at hers. She doesn't trust me with other girls as I've cheated in the past but I have proven over the past 2 years that she can trust me but she won't let me even talk to girls or add them on facebook.

I have recently made friends with a girl in my class and the way I see things we're both kind of into eachother, she knows I have a girlfriend and we're still getting on really well, better than the other guys we hang around with.

My problem is this, I really like this girl but feel bad about having these feelings because of my girlfriend (Who I visit every 2 weeks or so). On the other hand I have a feeling in my stomach that she'd cheat if given the chance, one guy from her house said that he slept with her and she told me he was just joking around to be one of the 'lads' but I don't know if I believe it or not

What should I do about this, I love my girlfriend but I'm having really strong feelings for this girl that I've just started to get along with on my course and am really confused as to what I should do. Help please.

- Cristyl - 11-09-2012 11:11 AM

Choose the 2nd girl. If you really loved the first one you wouldnt have taken interest in the 2nd.

- Rob - 11-09-2012 11:11 AM

Dont string your girlfriend on for a start, if you dont see the future with her then id sugest breaking it off. but also dont break up with your girlfriend for this new girl if you are still unsure of her. generally you can tell after a little bit of talking to epople whether you can trust them. if you feel strong for the new girl and want to be with her then i wouldnt sit in the middle. make up your mind who would be more important to you and choose the one that would make you happiest.

- xbabiixkandiix - 11-09-2012 11:11 AM

It sounds like your both lacking trust in each other. And falling for another girl is showing cracks in your current relationship, what do you think is missing that maybe spending time with this new girl may be filling out? Once you discover the problem, its best to talk about it next time u see ur gf. Youv not made a move, so try remove things, and only start anything with this new girl if you and your girlfriend feel like you need to go on separate paths. Don't cheat, it would give her reason to believe she was right not to fully trust u. Hope it all works out

- Regina - 11-09-2012 11:11 AM

If you were really in live with your girlfriend you would not be having feelings for another girl. Do you and your girlfriend a favor and fess up. Be a man. Not enough if those around these days. She may be hurt in the beginning but not as much as she would be if you ended up cheating. This other girl, she's willing to start something up knowing you have a girlfriend? If so she's not worth it. She will end up cheating on you if she's willing to cheat with you.