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I would like to talk with a girl gamer! :)? - Printable Version

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I would like to talk with a girl gamer! :)? - burnoutcrazydriver - 11-09-2012 11:03 AM

Hi! I'm 17 years old boy and I'm doing a research on gaming these days and I would like to know how gaming feels on women's perspective(im a male)! If you like to share your experiences, i would really appreciate it! If you are on Facebook, please leave your link to profile here! Thank you! Smile

- 兔子 - 11-09-2012 11:11 AM

Not linking a profile (and if you'd ever been a girl in contact with guys on video games you'd understand why Wink But I'd be happy to answer specific questions if you want to post them here.

My feelings in general on being a girl gamer (I play MMORPGS, prefer PvP):

- People make a lot of assumptions about girls who play video games, the most common being that not many girls play, which is not true imo. My sister got me into MMORPGS, and she was introduced by two of her friends. I've met lots of other girls in and out of game that also play.

- The reason for this assumption is that many of us do not discuss our gender in game. Bringing it up seems so unnecessary, and when you do there's always a chance that it will cause more harm than good. I can take being "man" and "dude" and "bro"'d if it means I get to play in peace.

-"girls are bad/play a specific role" is something I hear a lot. It's often a backhanded comment: "Wow you're good for a girl" or "I thought all girls played heals, nice dps" ect.

- Somehow it seems to have gotten out that girls who play video games are "easy." No. Just no.

- Important to note that not all guys are stalkers and/or creepy when they pick up on the gender, for every person I've had problems with there's 10 more nice guys who go "oh cool" and get on with the game.

- Tommy - 11-09-2012 11:11 AM

oh yes i am also doing um research i would also appreciate if any gamer girls would contact me especially hot ones but the not too bad looking ones will work well as well yes quite so most will do honestly its just research though and the hotter the better

- Adachi Tohru - 11-09-2012 11:11 AM

You know this isn't a hookup site, right? Not a terribly smooth way of finding a chick. You should be a policeman like myself. I'm great with the ladies.