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Do you think they will ever fix Facebook privacy settings? - Printable Version

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Do you think they will ever fix Facebook privacy settings? - ☮ - 11-09-2012 11:06 AM

I used to have all my privacy settings set to friends only which meant nobody other that my friends could see me on Facebook. Now that they changed the privacy settings, I can't fix them because there is no way you can get those privacy settings back. So I had to deactivate my Facebook account. Now I can only reactivate my account for 5 minutes so I can check my Facebook and then deactivate it again. I really hope they fix those privacy settings so I can use Facebook again. Facebook is just becoming a more retarded version of Myspace.

- Tasha - 11-09-2012 11:14 AM

All of your privacy settings can still be set to only friends except for who can add you