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NRHH: How can I access someone's Facebook information without being their Friend? - Printable Version

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NRHH: How can I access someone's Facebook information without being their Friend? - l.e.b. (torn between Obama and Romney) - 11-09-2012 11:07 AM

And not that Friend of Friend thing that lets you see a few public details, I mean the whole profile as you would view it without being the person's Friend, short of hacking into it. I know you're allowed to see certain details by sending or receiving a Friend Request, but doing this is also out of the question.

BQ: On a scale of 1 to 10, how serious do you think I am?
BQ2: Does it bother you that I actually am being serious?
BQ3: Where is Frida Slaves? I feel like he is the only reg who can give me a decent answer to the question.
Hai No BS. I'm stalking a girl who is rather scared of me, which is fair because I haven't been exactly charming towards her... she's actually the reason I joined Y!A in the first place...

Hai Mic Messiah, but I already used all my embalming fluid as lubricant for self-gratification....
No, at least I don't think she uses Y!A. I joined because I wanted advice on how to approach her and some other stuff, and I ended up getting attached to the RHH section soon after.
@Jay-eFF: There's a question I often ask ask myself.... "Do you love someone because they are beautiful, or are they beautiful because you love them?"...

If I didn't love her, she would not (and did not) stand out to me much at first, but because I do, because I've gotten to know her as more than a face, her's is the only one I can look at... does that kinda answer your question?
As for why she's scared of me, it's a long story... I'll tell it on Mumu one day probably... I think I told Tyler about it on Palringo a while back actually...

- ASP Amber - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

Become a friend of a friend with that person, at times you still see certain things.
There are other ways as well, but that is only if you are really serious about it....there is always the option of getting another person to be friends with that person and looking at their page through your friends page.

BQ: 9.5
BQ2: Not at all
BQ3: No Idea

- come back suggs - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

Its on the person. He has to set his settings on public. try and convince him/her/it to make it public.

Bq no
Bq oh damn that means you are serious
Bq he is not here

- ? - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

I wouldn't know. I deleted my facebook a while ago. So who are you stalking?

BQ: 10
BQ2: Nah. People do it.
BQ3: I haven't seen him in a while. Might've gotten suspended again.

Hmmm...well that wouldn't give her anymore reason to be a afraid you, right? Facebook almost encourages stalking though. Did/Does she use Y!A?

"Make fake profile and become their friend" Nope. Nope. Nope. No.

Oh I see. Well I think actually approaching her instead of e-stalking would get better results. But hey, this is coming from an introvert who has never had a heterosexual guy friend and is perfectly comfortable with e-stalking her crushes, so...yea. Why would she be scared of you though? You don't seem like the unfriendly type.

- Pestychicken705 - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

You have to go into the pantry and get the purple crayon.

From there you just have to get embalming fluid.

- (G)OD(W)E(T)RUST - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

BQ:well now 5
BQ3:lol Ikr

- xew - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

How can I access someone's Facebook information without being their Friend? Make fake profile and become their friend

BQ: On a scale of 1 to 10, how serious do you think I am? 10/10
BQ2: Does it bother you that I actually am being serious? No
BQ3: Where is Frida Slaves? I feel like he is the only reg who can give me a decent answer to the question.He went to to buy some things..He'll be back tommorow

- Jay-eFF - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

Bq3:probably already stalking the girl you wanna stalk lol

@l.e.b can I ask one question,why are you stalking her...Is she hot???
Oh I understand now,well in that case,do what you gotta do

- Jordan - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

You should write her a poem, you're a dope Lyricist.

BQ1: After reading BQ2, 10
BQ2: No. All I can say is, once facebook makes it possible for you to know who's been looking at who's profile, we're all f*cked.
BQ3: I see him ask a Q every once in a while, haven't seen him today (Saturday) though.

I'm kind of curious as to why she is scared of you...if you don't mind me asking...

- cooinganger034 - 11-09-2012 11:15 AM

I don't think you can, with the new Facebook security features which they've introduced in the recent years, such access has been blocked. The only option I can think of is if she has had most of her details open to public like statuses and profile photos etc

UNLESS you make a fake Facebook profile and add her, that's the only option I can think of out of hacking which I'm no good at.

BQ - 10
BQ2 - Kind of