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What would you do in this situation (messy breakup please help)? - Printable Version

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What would you do in this situation (messy breakup please help)? - Sappho - 11-09-2012 11:08 AM

I was with my boyfriend for a good few months and it was the best thing that had ever happened to me, we were so good for each other and I've never felt the same for anyone, last weekend I drunk far too much and got myself in a state that I can't remember where and what I done, I left a party myself in the night and he was bombarded with calls asking if I was with him. I got home home safely but with NO recollection of the night, I felt terrible for putting him through that but if that wasn't enough I was told that the same night a guy had taken advantage of me and tried to kiss me, his friend pulled him off though reminding him I was in a state and had a boyfriend. Obviously, this got out and people had told him I had "cheated", but I genuinely had no memory of this happening and would never do this to him as I love him more than anything. I explained what had happened in person but he had nothing to say and later that day ended the relationship, he has not spoken to me since and ignored the masses of texts/facebook messages I've sent him. I can't accept the fact that it really is over between us, what do I do? and how do I get him to speak to me..

If that's not bad enough I sent him this:
"This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do but this is the last thing I'm going to send you, if your sure this is what you want and this is the way its all going to end then I wont text you, mail you and I'll just leave you to get on with everything, I'm sorry it came to this over something so stupid, I've tried everything I can to fix it but I know its my fault and not enough, obviously I cant just turn my feelings off for you so it will take time but I'll know if you read this and leave it that everythings done, I'm so sorry"

... he didn't reply

- Caroline - 11-09-2012 11:16 AM

Right now he's just really hurt and needs some space

- K.E21 - 11-09-2012 11:16 AM

I think I can safely say that we have all had too much to drink and our partners have had to look after us. I know I have and my boyfriend DEFINATELY has. Oh man it is annoying but at the end of the day everyone makes mistakes. You need to stop beating yourself up about it. You've obviously learned your lesson (I can't see you get very drunk anytime soon) and thats the main thing. About the accidental kiss thing surely that isn't really your fault? I can see how it seems to him having not been there but has he spoke to the guy that pulled the perv off? He is probably just angry right now and needs a bit of time to cool off. But if he doesn't then just forget about him!! If getting too drunk one night is the worst thing you've done in your relationship then I think you're doing ok. If he can't handle that then good luck for his next girlfriend. One night my boyfriend got so drunk that he smashed his phone, slept in a graveyard in the freezing cold. I had no idea where he was as he didn't come home and was SO worried that I was driving all around, phoning everyone to try and find him. Eventually found him safe and sound and although I was angry that he'd been so reckless I was just happy that he was ok as anything could have happened to him...And I've probably done just as stupid stuff too! But making mistakes is just how you learn!! I really wouldn't worry...if he is willing to give up your relationship over something so stupid then it really is his loss! Plenty more fish in the sea :-)

- Lucy - 11-09-2012 11:16 AM

He's hurt men dont like it anymore than we do.

Last Xmas work party I drank too much can just about remember the night I told my bf this and he said 'it ok i trust you and know you would not do anything on purpose' Nice to hear that.
He does need to trust you that what you say is the truth and not just cos someone else says you cheated.

Give him time he may come around. but he may not.
Time is a good thing but dont wait around forever you have to live your life.