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How can we become friends if she's SO QUIET? - Printable Version

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How can we become friends if she's SO QUIET? - Yes - 11-09-2012 11:09 AM

I have this friend, she's really pretty and knows a lot of people, so I thought she'd have an awesome personality and be really talkative but she's actually extremely quiet...when I look at her with her group in class, everyone will be talking and she's quiet to herself on facebook on her phone...The only time i see her talk is when she's with people she knows well...All of her friends are all super talkative, exuberant, outgoing, shy/awkward I guess that's the only people she feels comfortable around since they do most of the work and open her up...When we first met that's how I was (outgoing and talkative] so I guess that's why she liked me so much.

But lately I've been feeling really insecure, care too much what people think of me, really quiet and pathetic..

I noticed on days I'm really quiet, she acts detached and awkward with me...doesn't really talk to me, hardly even looks at me, ignores me, seems really aloof...I feel like she doesn't even like me on those days but maybe I'm just being negative and taking it the wrong way...? Whenever we were alone together on days I'm quiet..oh my's dead silent and awkward...I'd be waiting for her to say something, assuming she's a talkative person...but I usually had to start the conversation...And whenever I'd be like "so why are you so quiet" she'd just smile and shrug...Then try to talk more but she'd seem nervous and unsure of bouncing her leg, nodding and smiling nervously, etc.

BUT on days when I'm confident, relaxed and talkative....not acting awkward... she's really eager to talk to me, smiles at me a lot, keeps conversations going, compliments me, seems so happy to be around me...What should I do? I want us to be good friends...Btw we're both girls, straight...

- acurrant - 11-09-2012 11:18 AM

Talk to her about how you feel. You cannot change someones personality.

- Glitter - 11-09-2012 11:18 AM

Some people are just really shy, but once you break them out of their shell then they will talk.
I know you guys are both straight, but i know a good guy friend of mine who managed to DATE and be in a long term relationship with a girl who didn't say a word!
Even if you would say hi to her she wouldn't say anything. It was always really awkward. And finally she managed to come out of her shell and now she talks more than we do (my boyfriend, me, and him).