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Does she like me or my friend? 10 POINTS FOR HONEST ANSWER!? - Printable Version

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Does she like me or my friend? 10 POINTS FOR HONEST ANSWER!? - Adam - 11-09-2012 11:14 AM

There is this girl I have wanted to have a relationship with for a couple of months and it seemed like she liked me because we chatted forever on Facebook, she asked my sister about me and we talked alot to each other face to face. The other night, there was a group activity in our youth group to go to a corn maze. So me and my friend were running around and scaring people (it was a night btw) and she started to fallow me and my friend with her friends. She was always asking to wear his hat and she and my friend were walking together and it kinda seemed like they were excluding me. She began hanging around him and one of my youth leaders (we will call him chris) teased her about liking my friend and her friend said "no she likes someone else" and then she said "Chris! I don't like him! Im so mad at you right now!" and then I told chris how I felt about her and he said "You have as much opportunity to sweep her off her feet just as any other guy here. Don't be afraid to talk to ask her. You are a great guy and Im sure she will say yes and if she says no there are other girls out there" And of course I dont want to get rejected so Im not gonna ask right now. So does she like me or my friend?

- Ham - 11-09-2012 11:22 AM

I think she likes you because if he way her friends act I bet she's hanging around with your friend to make you jealous.

- Becky - 11-09-2012 11:22 AM

It seems hard to tell. Sometimes girls can like more than one guy at a time. but if your nice to her, I think you should try going for her Smile good luck

- Tiberius - 11-09-2012 11:22 AM

She's a teenage girl and probably doesn't even fully understand her own feelings. She might like your friend, or she might have been flirting with him to make you jealous and push you to taking the first step in approaching her. I've seen girls try to make a guy jealous just to get his attention many times. The truth is you need to MAN UP and put the moves on her. Getting rejected isn't nearly as bad as wasting a chance to get her and seeing her end up with someone else.

Carpe Diem. If you want this chick, go get her. Be an Alpha.

- Danielle - 11-09-2012 11:22 AM

shes girl, she probably changes her mind on guys all the time, i know i do and most of my friends do. its what girls do, we cant keep to just one and if she knows that you like her then she is going to use it to her advantage and she is going to make you feel jealous so that you want her more, shes not stupid and she know what she has to do to get you. shes working on it and it wont take long and she will give in to you, hope everything goes well:')

- Kristell<3 - 11-09-2012 11:22 AM

She probably likes you, & she was trying to avoid making it obvious by talking to your friend, lol I've done this before ;o

- Ethan - 11-09-2012 11:22 AM

no one can be sure she could like your friend because the way she is with him or she could like you because she might be trying to se if your anoyed by it thats all i can really say its up to you wether you ask her out good luck mate