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ONLINE CLOTHING STORE HELP? - rene - 10-01-2012 07:18 PM

Hello, I'm 16 and i want to start my own online clothes store selling clothes that i have designed and made myself. I have around £200 to start of with.

I'm not sure how to describe the type of clothes in my store but they are similar to these stores:
and brands like: Hell bunny, living dead souls etc

I'm just going to start with t-shirts and then as my store grows i will add different type of clothes.
I have started drawing up designs for my t-shirts but they aren't complete yet so I don't really want to show you all the designs yet.

I'm trying to learn HTML and CSS coding and how to use photoshop so that i can create a website myself as i don't have enough money to pay someone to do it. I am also going to advertise my product using free social network websites such as facebook, tumblr, twitter, youtube etc.

The questions i want to ask you all are:

I can not think of a name for my store so help with that would be much appreciated?

and if there is anything that i have forgotten that i need to do before i start my store?

and last but not least!

How exactly do i start this of? what is there first step i need to do in starting my business?

Thanks to whoever takes the time to help me Smile

- jckie:) - 10-01-2012 07:26 PM

I would consider Etsy to sell your things at first. It's a site where people sell things that they have made such as jewelry, clothing, and other accessories. It may be a start so you can see if people are actually interested in your products. The instructions are simple and on the website! Good luck!

- Hemanth - 10-01-2012 07:26 PM

I am a Website Designer from Bangalore, India. I can help you design your website at a low fee and once your business starts making money you can pay for the up-gradations and improvements later. We can also provide Hosting and domain registration service as a low cost. Contact me Hemanth :