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Facebook Timeline...? - Printable Version

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Facebook Timeline...? - Alex - 11-09-2012 11:20 AM

On the very bottom of my timeline, where it says when you are born, I noticed above mine are two friends. Now they arent my very best friends, and its weird how they're just there... Ive tried deleting it but it just comes back. Its pretty awkward and i dont understand why it choose them, I havent talked to them in a while. The first girls birthday is right after mine, but the other one has a random birthday thay doesnt go with ours. This seems random and no one else ive talked to has it...

- whisperingoatmeal007 - 11-09-2012 11:28 AM

I would say that you should consider going for another working similar app you should go for! Do the research on 'em, and you will find the good one! Big Grin

Good luck!