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how to get guys to notice you? - Printable Version

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how to get guys to notice you? - cheechee - 11-09-2012 11:21 AM

so there's this guy in my school, he's in 6th year and im in 4th (ages 17 and 15) i know of him and he knows of me. i would like to get to know him better but not sure how to go about doing it. i see him everyday when he comes back from lunch and when hes going to school as he always arrives later than me and also see him randomly sometimes in the corridor. we're friends on facebook. so how can i get him to notice me and not see me as some random 4th year.
anything i could do in person/on facebook?
how should i act around him? like should i be bubbly/ hyper or mature and serious.
hair, makeup?
any tips from guys point of view? and girls? xxx

- Rzxcyubn - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM

listen to this song, I was in a very similar situation/problem as you and I heard this song and it gave me all the answers, hope this helpsSmile

- JohnnyBoy - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM

Stop trying so hard

- Kimberley - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM

BE YOURSELF don't ever ever ever be someone your not, they will like you for who you are, not what they want you to be x

- Matt - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM

well the only thing you really can do is talk to him. he wont be creeped out us guys are very complimented by that. if you dont know what to say just try asking him a simple question or commenting on something he has or his looks even. as for hair i dont think it really matters. i hope everything works out and good luck!


- ? - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM

I'm an 18 year old guy. Although whether or not your crush is anything like me is hard to say, and my tips are dependent on that.

I always like it if a girl smiles and makes eye contact with me. It kind of shows you like him, and if he finds you pretty (and be confident he will, you sound pretty), he'll play around with the idea of liking you back too.

Don't try and go out trying to bubbly or hyper or mature and serious. Any of the above would be bad. If you act bubbly it'll just remind him that you are younger. If you act mature and serious, you won't be very fun either. If I'm making it sound difficult, I apologize. It couldn't be easier, just relax, show some interest in him and smile and laugh when you want to.

On fbook, do not post any statuses saying "thinking of him <3" or "you know who you are, can't stop thinking about you." It will seem juvenile and his friends might actually tease him over it if they caught wind. If you smile regularly at each other, it'll be good to just private chat him and say hey, what subjects do you do (I don't know if you chose your own subjects in your country.)

And makeup, understated is great Smile just a little bit, and keep it natural. Hair however you want, he should like you for the way you are.

And sorry to be annoying, but one last thing. You American. I keep answering American's questions in the hope that one will agree to be a pen friend. I'm English btw.

Good luck, hope this helps Smile