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HORROR FACEBOOK STATUS QUESTION? - Chyeaa - 11-09-2012 11:22 AM

I saw this status on Facebook it says ...

You're IN A HORROR MOVIE (the 8 people in your friend box on your Timeline profile order from top left-no cheating!)
Decides the creepy house is safe-
Screams like a baby-
The one who trips while running in the wood-
The First to go missing-
Grabbed and taken while saving you-
Survives by faking dead-
Has a solid survival plan no one listens to-
Is really the killer-

What does it mean in order from top left??? The friends list is on the right of Facebook ..I'm confused LOL

- Andrew - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM

What it means is that you copy and past those words, then look at the friend box on your timeline profile page and post their names next to each of the descriptions. For example:

You're IN A HORROR MOVIE (the 8 people in your friend box on your Timeline profile order from top left-no cheating!)
Decides the creepy house is safe- John
Screams like a baby- James
The one who trips while running in the wood- kristy
The First to go missing- janice
Grabbed and taken while saving you- tegan
Survives by faking dead- bob
Has a solid survival plan no one listens to- amanda
Is really the killer- lauren

- Charlie - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM

Top left corner

- ikeaa - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM


- catlover - 11-09-2012 11:30 AM

when you open your friend list the names/pictures appear in lines of three so you start with the first person on the left and work your way from left to right.

hope this makes sense and helps Smile