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I have no idea how to work Tumblr? - Printable Version

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I have no idea how to work Tumblr? - alltimelowlover - 11-09-2012 11:23 AM

I've had Tumblr for a while but I still have no idea how to use it! It's not like Facebook or Twitter where you grasp it eventually, it's so difficult and I just can't get the hang of it! Could you please answer these questions that I have? Thanks so much!
-What is the avatar? Is it a picture of you or a cartoon of you? Or something completely different? What picture do you upload as your avatar? Help!
-What is your theme? What does it do/what do I customize it to?
-What sort of pictures do I post? Pictures that I find funny? Or pictures of me/pictures that I have taken or pictures of things that interest me? Am I even supposed to post pictures?
-How do I gain followers/how do I follow people? Am I supposed to only follow my friends (like you're only friends with people you know on Facebook) or do I follow people who talk about stuff that interest me?
-What's a blog/what do I blog about?
-What does it mean by quote? Do I post quotes I like in that aspect?
-What does it mean by link? What do I post links to? Or is it my link? Do I have a link?
-What is chat? Is it personal or can everyone see who I am chatting with and what I am saying?
-Explain audio?
-Explain video?
-Explain dashboard?
-What is untitled? Please explain to me what this is?

I probably sound really stupid but I just don't get it! Thanks so much to anyone who answered.

- E.K. - 11-09-2012 11:31 AM

1. The avatar is whatever you want it to be. Some people use art they made, a picture of themselves, or a cartoon they find funny. Others just leave it blank. Really, it's up to you.
2. Your theme is just simply how your blog is laid out. Again, it's completely up to you whether you change it or not and what you change it to.
3. Your blog on Tumblr is all about YOU. What you like, what sparks your interest, what makes you tick. You don't have to stick to one certain thing on Tumblr either. Your blog can have a mixture of funny pictures, nail art you designed, and your favorite Bible verses if that's what you want. It's all about expressing yourself.
4. You should follow any and every blog you come across on Tumblr that makes you smile. Posts from these blogs will appear on your Dashboard. Right now, I'm following a few Hunger Games and Harry Potter blogs, a fashion blog, a few art blogs, a Keep Calm and Carry On Blog, DailyGrace, and Jenna Marbles. All of these things are almost completely unrelated, which keeps my dashboard interesting. It doesn't hurt to follow your friends, too. To follow someone, simply click where it says "Following __ People" on the right side of the page. Once you get there, type in the names of the blogs you think would interest you or that you've heard people talking about. You can also use the "Explore" tool (located on the right hand side of your page beneath the names of your followers) to browse through categories that interest you.
5. Your blog is basically just where you post whatever you want.
6. You post quotes you find, hear, or make up. Just type!
7. Untitled means your blog doesn't have a name.