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Is Facebook advertisement a scam? - Printable Version

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Is Facebook advertisement a scam? - Max - 11-09-2012 11:23 AM

I'm sure some facebook advertisement works partly, obviously the ads are there, and true clicks will happen. But how many are true clicks? Are there ALSO people paid to click on ads? This is no unreasonable question, as we know with other web advertisement it's very normal to pay people to click ads and visit sites. I've had a facebook ad running now for some days. Out of about 50 people visiting my website via the facebook ad, 5 signed up with name/email. This is for a free purposeful software, with no subscription or payment scheme at all. Yet none of these has even downloaded the software.

This just doesn't make sense. Click the ad, sign up on the website, but not even use or look at the feature you sign up for.

So... Are there paid facebook ad-clickers? It certainly makes sense that they are asked to do a shallow sign-up. As this definitely increases the advertiser's initial impression that the ads do actually work and produce follow-through.

Btw, this ad was ran in India.

- abraXus - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

anything is possible, it's impossible to know for sure

- Smith Rona - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

putting ads on facebook to make money is a good way. but i'm not familiar with it. sorry.