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Found out that my little sister cuts her arms? Help? - Printable Version

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Found out that my little sister cuts her arms? Help? - Elise - 10-01-2012 07:44 PM

My little sister (14) cuts her wrists and I found out two weeks ago by twitter. She has lots of depressing poems, quotes, etc.. One time I saw her cuts and asked her what was up.. She said she fell.. Then on Twitter, she wrote.. 'Alex (my name) is getting suspicious. Should not have worn a t-shirt.
I can't tell my dad, he would just think I am lying.. My mom's not around..
Help me please?? I don't wanna lose my little sister?? I love her <3 </3

- Brie - 10-01-2012 07:52 PM

Tell her that you love her and care for her and will always be there to help her and listen to her. Hopefully she will confide in you instead of harming herself. If it gets really bad/she says you don't know what she's going through, tell someone such as a guidance counselor or someone you trust. My brother used to cut himself and I told him I'd always be there to listen and he stopped. Hope this helps

- Charlotte - 10-01-2012 07:52 PM

Tell her that you care and maybe casually ask her related questions.

- Jordan - 10-01-2012 07:52 PM

If he will think you're lying show him the wrists. He needs to know or tell your mom. That's really bad and she needs to see a counselor. Talk to her and ask her what's been going on. Tell her you're scared that she will hurt her self. Good luck hope for the best

- Andy Andy - 10-01-2012 07:52 PM

Be straight up with her,Tell her that was she's doing is bad and also dumb cause she's just hurting her self,that's not gonna fix her problems.
Also tell your dad,I bet he will bealive you his your dad!!

- Katie - 10-01-2012 07:52 PM

I used to cut when I was around that age, too. It's not so much having someone to talk to as having someone to talk to that you can trust. Nobody wants other people to know when they cut--it's humiliating. It is a statement of weakness that makes you feel like you need to physically hurt in order to stop being emotionally hurt. Don't confront her. Let her know you're there for her and that she can trust you. Tell her you're never too busy to talk to her if she ever wants to talk. If she doesn't approach you in a couple of days, then ask a few questions. Don't bluntly ask why she's cutting. Say that you noticed them, and that you're worried about her. If this still doesn't help, maybe talk to her school counselor and ask that she arrange a meeting with her. I hope this helps.

- “Mick”Mick“ - 10-01-2012 07:52 PM

It's a call for help, she won't tell you directly but tells you indirectly on Twitter, you need to tell your father and show him the evidence of your sister's self harm, make him believe, if you really believe your father won't listen, then you need to tell a relative.
Cutting is bad enough but if your sister doesn't get some form of help it will get worse to the point she will cut herself for the final time ever.
If you love your sister or not, be a caring human being and do the right thing.

- Adam - 10-01-2012 07:52 PM

Make sure her friends know that there are not any sharp things on her