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Why are some of my wall posts and comments in Facebook groups now showing up in Google search results? - Printable Version

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Why are some of my wall posts and comments in Facebook groups now showing up in Google search results? - zipaw - 11-09-2012 11:24 AM

Okay, I'm really cross about this... My Facebook privacy settings have always been high. Since the controversial new settings were introduced at the end of last year I've had my 'Facebook search results' (under Account > Privacy Settings > Search) set to 'Only friends' and my 'Public search results' box unticked to stop my profile from showing in search engines. (For those who didn't know, this *doesn’t* stop any Facebook users from seeing you in groups or on fan pages - something you should be aware of before joining any work, school or college-based groups especially.) I periodically Google my name to make sure that these settings still work, and they always have... until now. True, my actual *profile* doesn't show in Google, but wall posts and comments that I've written on various groups (some well over a year ago) *have* started showing up!!! All someone has to do is click on the relevant page in Google search results, then log in to Facebook in order to be able to click on my profile via my wall posts/comments - then they'll have access to my profile picture, my 'Basic Information' (which I've deliberately left empty, but it still shows my 'Network'), and my 49 fan pages. They can also then 'add' me as a friend in the usual way. (I created an empty profile to test this, so I know what I’m talking about.)

Now I have very particular and personal reasons for not wanting every Tom, Dick and Harry to know that I'm on Facebook, which is why I use the privacy settings. But what on EARTH is the point of Facebook *having* these privacy settings at all if Google can now bypass them, enabling people to find my profile in a roundabout way?!?

Is the problem with Facebook or Google? To whom should I complain? Yes, I could delete all my group wall posts and comments that are showing in Google - then they would (eventually) drop out of Google's search results. But frankly, why should I *have* to do that? And how I do I know that posts and comments I've left on *other* groups/pages/discussion boards (or even friends' walls) won't start appearing in Google further down the line??? If posts and comments that I've written on my *friends'* walls start appearing, that's it - I'm leaving Facebook. That's a gross invasion of privacy, and not something I was made aware of when I signed up three years ago (or at any time since).

Any idea why this has happened, or suggestions of what I can do (other than leave Facebook, tempted though I am)? Has anyone else experienced this recently? I'm writing this message on April 8th 2010, and I've only noticed this problem within the last month. I'm very upset and annoyed about it. It makes me feel violated and powerless to fully protect my privacy. I don't suppose it's worth e-mailing Facebook about it, as they never bother to reply. I suppose I shall just have to refrain from writing on another group page again!!!
BSOL: If you had read my message properly, you would have seen that I *have* checked my settings, and they are at the highest possible privacy level. What more can I do?

IXOVII,FSHRMN: I think you've missed the point of my question entirely. Yes, information posted to Groups is supposed to be visible to everyone *within* Facebook, but there is nothing in Facebook's 'terms and conditions' or 'privacy policy' to say that such information may be indexed by search engines! Indeed, this has only started happening to me within the last *month*. It has *never* happened before in the three years that I've been on Facebook!

bodicea10: Your answer is the only sensible one. At least you understood what I was talking about, even though you have no solution for me other than leaving Facebook! Yes, my message was long and that may have put off some people, but I don't think I could have explained it more clearly. If no one else responds I'll give you the 'Best Answer' award!

- bodicea10 - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

I noticed this happening to my FB account a while back. I closed my FB page. It was just not safe. Who knows what else people can find just from your FB acc. It is just not worth it. To be honest i dont miss it anymore and I prefer to talk to my friends /family on fone or meet for coffee than be stuck on PC.. Smile

- lowterritory568 - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

Overview your settings my account does show up but no posts or anything that iv'e requested not to be seen! Smile

- "IXOVII,FSHRMN" - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

Your settings have nothing to do with when you comment on a group page. It is stated on groups info that when you join it is open to the public meaning that what you do and say is viewed by people who are not your friends. That being said it means Google will do what they do post every little thing done and said by a person on things like that. To me it is very wrong for them to be that prying. I guess they have become numb to what it can lead to people getting hurt or worse, because stories of people being singled out and had got hurt or their life taken for something they said or dome on computer was most likely found through Google analytics, it is something that shouldn't be allowed, but they hide behind the people have the right to know. People can see all that info when they type in anything pretty much, names and what they said on group or their own blog appears for all to see. But for facebook the only way someone can really see your profile is to be a facebook member, I have seen what some other people have said on searches before I joined facebook and tried to look and it shows the "you must be logged in or join to see this page."

Edit; You're right people can view those links, to me that is very wrong. When you want to find someone you have to join to see any profiles. Now people can see your name and profile picture on those links that is not right in my book. Now I will be more careful on this. And these in answers in here appear on Google things as well.

- hugechin607 - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

It happens - they are searchable events!