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If we don't except racism? why do we except sexism? Why is there so much sexism online e.g. Facebook? - Printable Version

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If we don't except racism? why do we except sexism? Why is there so much sexism online e.g. Facebook? - Izy - 11-09-2012 11:24 AM

Racist groups on Facebook get removed and get taken a lot more seriously. Both are forms of discrimination, both of it can be regarded as abuse and hatred, both groups suffer from inequality as a whole in society, both sexism and racism are derogatory and can affect a woman or an ethnic minority equally. It is a lot worse for an ethnic minority woman, she has to put up with double discrimination unlike their male counterparts.
Why do we take one less seriously than the other? When both are damaging?

Does this reflect our society? How can it be that in the year 2012, men still find ways of degrading and mocking women.

***More importantly, what can we do as a society to make this world a less discriminating place and raise our children to become better people?
err... men don't get so angered or offended about this. I'm taking about inequality towards women, which is on a MUCH larger scale then towards men. I'm sorry you guys feel you are portrayed as stupid on tv as said by a comment below...but how many intelligent women characters do you get on T.V anyway? Less than 30% of TV broadcasters are women.

Also in terms of work, men still OUTNUMBER women in the work field, as we go up elite professions we see less and less of women. So that is why they are trying to recruit More women. Less than 25% of boardroom members are women.

so please before getting so offended about my comment, get your facts straight.

This is nothing personal against men who are caring non-discriminatory individuals.
God you guys below are pathetic immature idiots. I hope you never have any children.
"sexism rakes in money" that is selling sex to make money.
"racism is hate" yes it is
isn't sexism also hate? Such as quotes "like women shouldn't work, women shouldn't vote, women are sluts" "a man should always be the head" etc etc etc "I'm not going to hire her because she is a woman.."

I think you are quite misinformed.
I see I am not going to get any decent comment here from someone who is well informed and won't take it so personally.
"sexism rakes in money" that is selling sex to make money.
"racism is hate" yes it is
isn't sexism also hate? Such as quotes "like women shouldn't work, women shouldn't vote, women are sluts" "a man should always be the head" etc etc etc "I'm not going to hire her because she is a woman.."

I think you are quite misinformed.
I see I am not going to get any decent comment here from someone who is well informed and won't take it so personally.
"sexism rakes in money" that is selling sex to make money.
"racism is hate" yes it is
isn't sexism also hate? Such as quotes "like women shouldn't work, women shouldn't vote, women are sluts" "a man should always be the head" etc etc etc "I'm not going to hire her because she is a woman.."

I think you are quite misinformed.
I see I am not going to get any decent comment here from someone who is well informed and won't take it so personally.
Judge Judy

I'm a doc.

Tell me how? Did you read what I said? about how many women are in the elite profession - about 1 in every 10 are women? how many women there are in boardrooms - less than 25%? how many women make it in broadcasting - less than 30%? why the wage gap still exists? Why women still earn on average less than men? why we have men making jokes about rape? Why are you the bigger ignorant idiot?
Gender Studies: White and male. You guys still make up the elite profession. In fact the majority of people in positions of power are white and male...
what is your point?
Tell me how is sexism against men a lot worse? There is sexims against men, i'm not denying. BUT how bad is it? seriously. You get portrayed dumb on TV is that it? is that all the example... oh boy. I'm not a man, maybe I don't understand. And I guess you boys aren't women (big surprise) so you won't understand

- Semtex - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

You say that but have you ever noticed how widespread and socially acceptable sexism against men is? To portray men as stupid on TV or to make jobs only available to women is allowed but if we do it to you then that's illegal.

Edit: How about this then. Here in the UK the age that a woman retires at is five years younger than a man. However a woman lives ten years longer on average so this means that she gets a long retirement whereas a man gets to drop dead about five years after retirement. Surely either women should retire five years later so that they get the same length of retirement, or at least at the same age.

How about the family court system that almost always grants child custody to the mother, even if she's not fit to look after a hamster?

- SlamTurd - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

I persoally believe women should NOT have rights. I know very few women that deserve them.

- EH - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

I honestly agree with *semtex on this one...
Also when you look at society, Breast Cancer is extremely hyped up far more than any other cancer, say, Prostate Cancer. Women in America(and countless other 1st world countries) have it pretty good compared to other countries. I dont know why women are still complaining about being 2nd here in America...

- Quo Vadis? - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

Because racism is real and is a problem. "Sexism" is a lesbo-invented shaming tactic used to garner women more undeserved special privileges, to silence male opposition to their hate group, and to destroy heterosexual relations. That is why straight people do not take the lesbian hate word, "sexism" seriously at all-- mainly because it does not exist.

"Sexism" is dykespeak for, "Natural heterosexual behavior of the two sexes. Men being proud of being men. Men pointing out the obvious, pervasive, and self-evident flaws and inferiority of women. Women being disallowed from professions of which they are horribly not suited and where it would be dangerous to the general public if they were allowed to work in them. Any attitudes that are based on the natural psychological, biological, physical, and evolutionary differences between males and females, where lesbians delusionally believe that women should be allowed to do anything without being held responsible for their actions."

So basically, the word, "sexism," is an expression of the mentally-illness inherent in lesbianism and that is why no sane person thinks it matters, because it doesn't exist as the sqawking lesbians use it.

- allanfaithy - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

Sexism rakes in money,just expose a little bit of flesh madam and you're in money, to some if they dont do it and remain in poverty,what is the use of the body anyway...Now, what does racism and racists bring? Hatred !

- Judge Judy - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

You honestly think sexism against women is more widespread.

Good god the ignorance. Even the hardcore feminists i know awknowledge men get the shorter end of the stick, they just tell us to band together to change.

Youre the idiot lady.

- Gender Stu - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

As a white male, I can tell you that society as a whole is highly tolerant of both racism and sexism, as long as is directed towards whites and males.

- thankfulbath049 - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

Just take most of the questions on here, and exchange the word "woman" for "black." People would just automatically assume the asker was a dumba$$. Keep the word "woman" and there are always plenty of people who think the asker has a point.

- Hades - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

Probably because the racists tend to be less tolerable. Few sexists say anything as extreme as the average racist, and even then many of them are trolls, doing it because women complain about it rather than any deeply held belief in what they're saying.

There may be less women in boardrooms, but have you accounted for stay at home mothers? There's still more of them than stay at home fathers (and it's not anti-woman - men would like to be with their children as much as women would like to work), so a 50/50 split would actually give top jobs to a greater proportion of women.

Secondly, look at the other end of the spectrum. The hard, dangerous, work - garbage collection, fishing, coal mining, and so on. All male dominated fields, and yet if any women are complaining they can't do those jobs I haven't heard them. Women tend to be concentrated around the middle of the field, whilst men are spread out around them. It's pretty much established that men tend to be the bigger risk takers, so it's no surprise that they tend to get the biggest rewards when they pay off.

Whilst women may be a minority in broadcasting (although when I see them on TV and radio there doesn't seem to be that much of a shortage), have a look at fiction. Very often the woman can pretty much do no wrong whilst any men are bumbling idiots.

Discrimination against men:
Every man is a potential rapist and should be feared by women
The education system is geared to better suit girls (despite learning styles that best suit boys also being better for girls), whilst boys who behave naturally are medicated for 'ADHD' or similar.
Women-only spaces are demanded and given, but the mere suggesting of a men-only space is somehow offensive.
Women have far more money spent on their healthcare than men.
Women can choose not to work and instead raise children and/or look after the home. Men have no such option.
A woman has the right not to have sex at any time for whatever reason. If a man withholds sex from his wife, he's abusing her.
Airlines have policies insisting only women should sit next to unaccompanied children, as men might abuse them (on an aeroplane in flight? With witnesses?)
Women get custody far more than men, even when there is no reason to deny the father custody or a very good reason to deny the mother access.
Women are given lesser sentences for the same crimes.
A 20 year old man in a mutual relationship with a girl slightly below the age of consent is an abusive criminal taking advantage of a vulnerable innocent child. A 12 year old boy held down and raped by a middle-aged woman is 'lucky' for getting such attention.