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What ancestry do I look like I am from? - Printable Version

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What ancestry do I look like I am from? - Zhena - 11-09-2012 11:26 AM

Don't know my biological parents, and have only seen photos of my father and one of my brother and I when we were young. In those pic's I look Asian, and was always asked if I was Chinese, Japanese or Native American growing up. I'm 5'7, 130, in case stature matters. You can see my recent profile pic Anyone know how accurate the DNA geneology kits are?

- Jesse - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

I know with much certainty that you decended from a man named Adam and a woman named Eve. Do you really need to know more?

But i digress... to answer your question: You look (IN MY OPINION) like an american. not a Native American or Japanese decent. You look like you might have some Native, but i would doubt Japanese.

- Observer - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

It is all but impossible to determine what you are asking from photos. DNA testing doesn't provide recent ancestry, it provides ancient ancestry and appears to be very accurate with the results, if you get the test kit form a reliable lab.

- marci knows best - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

The autosomal DNA tests are useful if you have a well documented family tree to compare with possible cousins. The percentage of ethnicity is a very inexact science at this point. According to several genealogical bloggers who have tested with the big three companies: 23and Me, FamilyTree DNA and Ancestry, the results from the 3 companies were very different and not necessarily what they would have expected in light of their documented trees. The ethnic testing has a ways to go.

- Dilmer - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

Your face seems to have colombians ancestry, research, perhaps you will get a surprise.

- Maxi - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

Sorry 'looks' will not tell you where your parents and grandparents came from.......... that is stereotyping and purely by its nature it is ignorant and untrue...........

DNA companies promise the earth to get you to buy from them........ you send off to 6 companies and you will get 6 different results.................. it depends on the markers they have what results you get and send off again in 6 months time and you will get more different results...................... so save your money....................

- AL - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM


- chubbydirt869 - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

Sorry, no one can tell your ancestry from either your appearances or from your surname. It just is impossible.

When I was young, folks always asked what tribe I was from. Now I'm just an "old white man".

My wife, a Filipina, has been asked if she was Indian (by Indians speaking their native tongue), Mexican, and many other nationalities/groups.

Our son has been asked if he is Mexican, Indian, Filipino (he is half), Arab, etc., etc.

Stature makes a difference only when one is from a group that is normally pygmy or giant.

Asian is so misleading: look at a globe. From Australia, New Zealand, north through Malaysia, north to Russia, west to India, the Arabian Peninsula, and north through Palestine and Turkey into Russia is all "Asian".

At least you have some photos to cling to.

As to DNA testing, I would suggest, the world's oldest with the largest data base. They also do the testing for the National Geographics Genotype Program, which traces human migration patterns worldwide.