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Can I use Facebook to see if my girlfriend is loyal...PLEASE read on? - Printable Version

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Can I use Facebook to see if my girlfriend is loyal...PLEASE read on? - Brian - 11-09-2012 11:26 AM

If I create a "Fake" Facebook account using "web find" pictures to create a profile of a guy similar to me. My question is this...Will she take the bate, Or an women a bit more sly than to fall for this.
What I propose to do is use the fake facebook account to SLOWLY get friendly with my girlfriend. Then after a while I will ask my girlfriend if she wants to meet for some "Fun" She will think she is talking to someone else, But It will be me.
Back to my question...Are women that dumb or will she fall into the trap.
Thank you for your answers have a great day.
Or are women a bit more sly even..Sorry I am a maths/numbers guy
Malmonro..I have already said...I am a maths guy NOT a words guy...I have a degree in mathamatics, Sadly I am not a words guy..You @rse-wipe
Malmonro..I have already said...I am a maths guy NOT a words guy...I have a degree in mathamatics, Sadly I am not a words guy..You @rse-wipe
EDIT..."I AM A SAD SACK" Malmonro..25933 Points and Level 7...You need to get out more!

- TheStupidGenius - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

I would go for it.

- Mitchell - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

that could work if your careful. just a few things to be careful off. make sure she doesn't see you on the account. make sure the timing of when she talks to the account isn't weird. what i mean by that is if whenever your away from her he's online and he's never online when your near her, she might get a bit suspicious. also how are you going to establish a friendship between the fake account and your girlfriend. i mean there would have to be a logical reason for this fake account to add her, and talk to her. hope this helped, if you can answer my question that would be great;_ylt=AjFaheL6Btngg6cLD7Z1KW_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120922063319AA2AbPB

- R3dh@ - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

If you have any reason to think she would not be loyal = you do not trust her

If you do not trust her then u need to work on your relationship

And no, not all women are dumb.

- MalMonroe - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

*BAIT not bate

*too sly not more sly

Oh dear, what a sad sack you are. Are you for real?
You don't deserve any girlfriend at all if you are. If you don't trust anyone, best to end the relationship NOW. Spend your time having fun with people, not trying to trap your 'girlfriend'. You stink.

- Rachel - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

no way why would you even do that what you gonna say to her if she finds out? this can destoy ur relastionship even more she will not b able to tust again if you were my man and you did that to me id kik ur sorry butt if u dont trust her confront her and if she says she fathfully and u still dont belive her you should not be in a relastionship where u dont trust someone!!

- Mel - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

Your plan is flawed,she may not find this alter ego guy attractive by looks or personality and to be honest even if she sees a photo of an incredibly good looking guy asking to be her friend she may not accept the request as she wont know him.

Also if you fake a profile it's going to be brand new,the alter ego guy will have no other friends,even if you add people you are going to have trouble getting them to accept and your girlfriend is far less likely to accept fake guy if there are no friends in common so you would need to add people she knows.

This leaves you with a problem,women talk,we talk a lot and if a random guy started adding people i knew and me it would take minutes to ask the others if they knew him,when they said no i would be immediately suspicious and probably figure out what was going on,she may even end your relationship on the basis that you don't trust her.

I have no idea why you don't trust her,maybe you have a reason not to in which case you need to question if you should even be with her or maybe you are generally insecure and would be far better off just talking to her about it.

If you really must try to honey trap someone you are far better off using a real person such as a friend but even then she might not find him attractive,they might like each other and you lose out or she might find out and dump you.

Women are not stupid,i would figure it out from the start so more hassle than it's worth in my opinion.

- DoD - 11-09-2012 11:35 AM

I did that to my brother-in-law once and he actually fell for it. He was willing to cheat on his wife to meet this fictitious girl I made up.

I say do it.