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Privacy Issues Parents Reading my Dairy HELP!!!? - Printable Version

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Privacy Issues Parents Reading my Dairy HELP!!!? - Awesome Girl - 11-09-2012 11:28 AM

So i need someones input.

So yesterday while my mom was cleaning my room she found some pages of my diary that i ripped out and hid in my locker. She took them and read them out loud while i stand outside there bedroom and watched them read them while they let my sister (Who's 15 BTW) stand outside of there bedroom listening to what i wrote. My Problems is first the read them out loud 2 they let my sister listen in (P.S i wrote some mean things about her.) 3 they were disrespecting my privacy (which i talk about more further along.) 4. I Wrote some mean things about my parents like i want to kill them ( i was just joking BTW)(which is also why they think i have mental issues) and that i hated them and that my parents are *** and *****.

Also they give me no privacy like they barge into my room whenever they want. They have to know all my password like my facebook and my email. They go through my stuff. I ask them for some privacy and they don't think i deserve it ( Seriously im a Straight A and B Student im good person i have never done anything for them not to let me have some privacy or not to trust me) Also there checking my MP 4 player and other personal belonging too make sure im not listening or doing anything inappropriate. (HOW RUDE)

On Top of that there way too strict i stay home 24/7 i only leave the house 3 times a week for church. and for chores. I only see my Best Friend 5 times a year if im LUCKY (this year I've only seen her like 2 or 3 times)!! And I cant have a boyfriend or a cell phone until im 16. (Cause they think im immature.)

So my Questions are:

Did my mom have a right to read my diary out loud like that?

Do my parents have right not to give me privacy or do i deserve it?

Are my Parents TOO Strict?

Am i over reacting or should i let it all go and move on?

Please give me your input (Preferably if your a teen or a adult with teenagers.)

BTW im 13 turning 14 in December.

P.S Sorry this is long!!
1.they took the diary
2.someone gave me the journal so i have no idea where it came from
3 i had it hid in my locker under stuff its the best place i have to hide it cause my mom goes through my drawers and sometimes she dumps water on my head when i don't wake up in the morning so i cant hide it under my bed pillows and i dont have much stuff in my room so no place to hide it
4. You did not answer any off my question but thanks for the help any ways.
Pixelated what do you mean are you saying im wrong and my parents a right

- Arrow - 11-09-2012 11:36 AM

I know it sucks but parents are parents. Either hide your stuff better or have two journals. One with all fake stuff (write only nice things in it) and only kinda hiide it in an obvious place. Hide ur real one really well and make sure they are the same color and look the same so if they see u writing in ur real one they wontbe suspicious.

- Pixelated - 11-09-2012 11:36 AM

There's no doubt your parents should respect your privacy. But it's not like your mom purposely went looking for your diary. She shouldn't have blasted your diary entries like so. Although, maybe it was her way of punishing you for writing horrible things about them.

My parents ALWAYS respect my privacy. I had my own lock on my door @ 16. They never had my passwords to anything. All my friends parents were like mine. So coming from me, yea, your parents should respect your privacy more. However, they're not strict, they're normal when it comes to your social life. I wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend -- EVER lol I was always too scared to let my parents know. But they're not idiots. They knew if I was seeing someone. I still kept my boyfriends a secret until I was ready to formally introduce them "the one" .