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how do websites earn money? - Printable Version

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how do websites earn money? - SMFA - 11-09-2012 11:29 AM

i dont understand that how websites earn money,lets take example of big sites like google,facebook,youtube etc

i never spent any money on them but still they earn a lot of money,ads cant give them that much money

how does wikipedia earn money,it doesnt have ads either?

- Erverwv - 11-09-2012 11:37 AM

yup you best believe it's all about ads. not only do companies have to pay google, fb, etc. when you click on their ads, but they have to pay for just having them on the website. wikipedia, on the other hand, doesn't make much money. if you've noticed they occasionally ask for donations

- Noah - 11-09-2012 11:37 AM

Think about... a ad pays probably a million dollars ... because the fact they will keep replaying it... take YouTube for example a company wants to get there product out there so they will spend money on someone who can make viral videos and pay YouTube to put it on that persons channel which also pays the youtuber...they won't spend like Few bucks to get it on there , companies are huge buddy. And sites like Wikipedia gets traffic which Google probably pays them for.

- Steve B - 11-09-2012 11:37 AM

The big sites make MASSIVE amounts on advertising** .. both by charging a business every time some-one 'clicks through' to their site, but also by taking a cut of any sales made by those 'clicking through' ..

**Google sell 'ad words' ... when some-one searches for eg 'Loan' Google puts at the top of the list the lender that pays Google the most for the word 'Loan' ..

Wikipedia is a charity that exists by donations and sponsorship ..

- fizex81 - 11-09-2012 11:37 AM

put your own banner affiliates and promote it to others