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I need help with this situation ? - Printable Version

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I need help with this situation ? - MEXCANGIRL - 11-09-2012 11:29 AM

Since 2010 i feel in love with a guy named(Benjamin) .We met online on a website called myyearbook.I was 13 and he was 15 at the time .Before you say he's might be a fake.He isnt fake we talked on the phone and I saw his family profiles.So i don't believe he was a fake. We both felt so in love with eachother and we wanted to meet up somewhere safe.Anyways he wrote me a 4 page love letter email of how much he likes me and wantes to take it to the next level and all that romantic stuff .But something went wrong their was a girl that was trying to make me and him break up and trying to make things up.Well i end up not believing him and we stoped talking ever since then and till this day. He's already forgotten about me and doesn't know who i am anymore.I regret for not beliving him.I stalk him on Facebook and i made a fake Facebook account to see what he's been up to cause he wont accept my friend request . He hasn't had a girlfriend since then. I tried to add him on Facebook but he says that he doesn't remember me that im crazy and everything.I stalk him and im still in love with him .I've never been so in love with someone like him before .He's the hottest guy and sweetest guy I've ever meet (he's the boy of my dreams).But i wish i had meet him already but its never going to happened. He's 17 and im 16 now .I've went out with a guy after him but its not the same without him and i broke the other guys heart cause i didn't like him as much as i like Benjamin.All i want in this world is him and i think about him everyday and stalk him on Facebook . I know i sound crazy and psycho but I've tried many times to get him back but he doesnt seem to care and ignores me everytime. and im depressed about it .I just wish i can go back in time and fix everything. How can i move on ?or what can i do to take him back? its been 2 years since i haven't forgotten about him or moved on.I tried to go out with other guys at my school but its not the same and they act like jerks

- Kyle Darrell - 11-09-2012 11:37 AM

Okay. I'm the type of person that's not gonna tell you what you wanna hear. Listen up because I have the same problem with someone else but it's more....well let's just say legal issues. Anyway enough about me.

You will have to accept the fact that he has changed. Or that he really doesn't remember. Even if he did accept you back would he still remember you? You have to start thinking in terms of yourself. Like what's best for you!? The more you focus on him. The more you rot and your life begins to fade. You have to find things to distract you and find hobbies and things to do. Take up something. Lessons. A new class. Find out what your passion is and do you! Trust me I know you want him and I know you love him. But if you truly love him you will let. Him. Go. .........deep down you may never truly let go. But at least you still have you. And at least you'll have a life.

It's different for everyone but you have your whole life ahead of you. You will find someone else I promise

- Jazmin - 11-09-2012 11:37 AM

Well don't hurry up in life.! I'm 17 and I love this guy too and he is far now wih this other girl.! And nothing has ever been the same but since then I been trou a lot !! So my advice is just be calm and don't hurry trying to find love.! I'd you guys are meant to be then someday you guys will be together and if not then someone better will appear in your life.! Right now just have fun and try not to think about him.! Do good in school and do a lot of things.! Plan your future and just have fun cause there is no time to be depressed.! You're only 16 once so make every single day of your life count make it the best.! Just live one day at a time.!(:
I hope this could help.!
& Good luck in life..!