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Why are there so many ads on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why are there so many ads on Facebook? - Bibby - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

My friends don't have this problem, but lately there have been a ton of ads glitching up Facebook on my computer. There's a huge one right in the middle of the feed, and two long ones on the outsides. They have not always been there-- usually there have just been small ones on the right side. These new ones are annoying and they slow down my computer and glitch up my internet so that I have to restart it. I am about to delete my Facebook page to stop this madness. What the heck, Facebook?
--Note: They don't show up when I log on from other, wireless computers at my house, or from my iPod.

- Bianca - 11-09-2012 11:40 AM

Ugh i know! its so annoying. I'm not sure how to get rid of them. :/