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I need strong advice..I don't know what to advice my bff? - Printable Version

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I need strong advice..I don't know what to advice my bff? - Daria - 11-09-2012 11:32 AM

So this one girl ((I'm keeping her name confidential, and it's not me lol)) is 17 and talks to this 35 year old guy on Facebook. They live in the same city but the dude wants to hang out with her at night or any random time....what should she do ??? Like I'm worried for her since she's my close friend and I don't want any crazy thing to happen to her. She's attracted to older guys but idc because all that matters in this situation is her safety...

- Monica - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

report the older guy to the authorities. he can't possibly be up to anything good if he's that old and talking to someone who's probably still in high school.

good for you looking out for your friend's safety. a lot of times these girls don't have that and they end up missing.

- Gumpilicious - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

He sounds like a creep. A man of 35 is far too old for a 17 year old girl. It's not just age, its maturity/life knowledge etc, he will expect (if they were to meet up or date) an adult relationship, coz that's what he is, an adult. He shouldn't even be talking to her let alone encouraging to meet her. He sounds like a slimy creep to me! he's only after one thing, and we all know its not coffee & a peck on the cheek! She needs to back off, now, before she gets herself in too deep, she's asking for trouble. He's just trying to get in her pants, that she can't see this proves she's not mature enough to handle a man of this age.

- miley - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

If she likes and cares about him, try teeling her that he could get arrested since shes a minor. Just keep reminding her how dangerous this could be for her. If she does want to go and wont change her mind, try to go with her or ask another friend to go too. If thia guy is dangerous, he most likely wont tru anything with a couple of friends with her. Also bring pepperspray or send some qith her, just in case. Im so glad that you care about your friend so much..i wish you both the best of luck!!! Smile

- Lucy Lunchmeat - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

He's way too old for her straight up! How much does she know about him? He could be a sex offender a killer or rapist. Tip off her parents or something, you wouldn't want anything to happen to her, because if it does, you're gonna wish you did something about it. I also thing its strange he only wants to meet at night! Don't do it.

Give me her parent's number, I'll tell them for her lbvs!!!!!