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Is this a good way to ask someone out? - Printable Version

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Is this a good way to ask someone out? - Ryan - 11-09-2012 11:33 AM

Not to sound like a twelve year old asking this on facebook but i want to suggest we go out somewhere as "More than friends" if you catch my drift :L
I'm pretty sure its painfully obvious that i like you anyway Smile ... now im going to hide in a corner until i hear facebook make a sound Smile

This girl is my best mate who i NEED to ask out before monday... if she found this in her inbox on FB even though its tacky and lame to ask over FB what will she think guys?
PS. im socially awkward...
I think im stuck on the FB route... i have no phone credit :L
(funny thing is i cant ask her out when ni see her on monday because monday would have been my 3 yr aniversery with mylast GF :O

- newbtube - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

Sounds like your taking the easy way out. call her and ask her over the phone.

- soupy_peas - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

It's hard to predict how people will react to stuff online.
If you want my advice, I'd say ask her on the phone. It's harder to do, yes, but it shows that you have guts- women like that. Also, it makes it a LOT more personal, and harder to dismiss (I'm sure she's lovely, and wouldn't do that, but you know...)
But that's just my 2 cents :-)

Edit: I'm socially awkward too. I'm the most socially awkward person ever. I would trump you on social awkwardness, and the weird things that come out of my mouth, but she's not just some girl you think is hot- she's your BEST FRIEND. You want to DATE her. Trust me, if it's gonna go well, you need to jump that hurdle, and go for gold. Think of how much you want to BE with her. You share everything else with her, why not this?

Edit of an edit: Use your house phone!
Or Skype her. Go round to her house.
There's no 'can't' also, it's just the idea that you find awkward, no physical impossibility.

- the guitarist III - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

exchange fb for cell phone and you'll be golden!

- Amz - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

Why don't you just call her up. Don't hide behind texts and words on a computer screen.

Her: Hello?
You: Hey. ____ how are you doing?
Her: Fine. How are you?
You: doing pretty good. You got anything going on this weekend?
Her: yes --doing something this day or that... or no
You: for either answer>> "Well, I was wanting to take you out on a date this weekend ... would you like to go to ______[restaurant]?"

Her: Okay!!!

There, bam.

- BILL - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

I've always done thongs the proper way. Getting her # on fb is ok but if uwana ask her out and be more impressive then do it over phone or in person. Be a man and don't fear rejection