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What do these guys want with me? So confused.? - Printable Version

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What do these guys want with me? So confused.? - Boriqueen (: - 11-09-2012 11:33 AM

So I have this guy friend (more like friends with benefits) & he moved away Nov. 3rd.
I miss him.
I kissed him and I hugged him.
That's all, yet I can't get over him.
We chat on Facebook.
I try to forget about him but everything he says or does makes me fall for him.
I get very jealous though.
On his Facebook he has "girl" friends who he takes pictures with...I observe the way he comments by saying cute things and putting hearts, then I get the sense that he might be doing the same with other girls.
He made me promise to wait 4 years just to see him.
I didn't agree I said I shall promise you that I will try my best.
I have this other guy friend who I used to have a crush on & chats me on Fb sometimes but not anymore. He gives me hugs now a days... which I think is cute and awkward since we don't talk much, I stopped liking him since I notice he hugs lots of girls & so yeah I am jealous. Today he said to me "Why don't you give me hugs anymore." I totally ignored him because I was so annoyed at the fact that he thinks its my fault. He ignores me, too.
Should the guy come up & hug a girl first & chat her first?
My other guy friend today was really close to me.
He started messing around with me & wouldn't stop staring at me.
It was weird since I hate making eye contact with people.
I start laughing.
All of a sudden he comes near me while I'm sitting on my desk.
He sits close to me & starts flirting.
It was weird.
He is cute and funny.
I used to have a crush on him, too.
He sat on my lap & well... I don't really mind as long as he doesn't do anything else.
This was during Spanish class.
It was fun yet weird cause after school he chatted me on Facebook saying "Hey cutie."
I was so surprised.
I'm 14.
I need help on what should I do?
Should I move on?
Should I flirt back with them?
Should I hug him first?
Ugh, this might be complicated but thanks for anyone that helps. Smile

- Jasleen - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

Dont wait four years to see ur guy friend who moved away. Find someone else whos there for u right now. Im 13 and I have my own very serious relation ship problems so I might not be much help but think of u like more. Who make u smile? !who makes u laugh? who is always there for you? and if gets too confusing move on from.the drama there's other boys Smile yea I know horrible