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Why did she just cut me out of her life? - Printable Version

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Why did she just cut me out of her life? - Ab - 11-09-2012 11:33 AM

I have had a female friend that I have had my up and downs with for over five years. We have always patched things up. Usually it's me fixing things because she's to immature to claim responsibility or apologize. We went from being friends to best friends to something more but then she demoted me back to best friend then friend. When she went to college it quickly went to acquaintance to nothing. Yet, I still love her to this day and want things to be at least okay between us. She just went away to college and I have already graduated college. While I can be demanding I always try to better myself but she claims I am judgmental and acts like I am the complete problem while she's never wrong.

About three weeks ago we had a small disagreement and she stopped talking to me via text/ facebook/ email and I have no clue why. She would never tell me why or respond to me at all. I ask her mother and brother and neither of them knew anything was going on. She came back this past weekend and we didn't hang out on Saturday like we were suppose to. I'm not claiming innocent but we have worked through some big things, the last conversation was something small and petty. She just cut me off cold turkey. Even on facebook she put me on limited profile, so I said something and she deleted me and then blocked me from finding her. I am at a loss of words or understanding. I am learning to move on, but it hurts and I am so confused on what happened. Just wondering if anyone may have insight into what may have happened?
This coming Saturday will be 3 weeks. I don't want to push anything. I just would like to understand. I have tried to recall what I might have said that would make her cut me off. The only thing I can think of is I told she doesn't care about us or hasn't acted like it since she's been gone. I have said this before and she didn't act like this.
In the past, she has told me I was too good for her. I told her she shouldn't think like that. I have had response like Chloe's from friends. However, they say that she cares, but she moved on because she's at college. I just wish I could understand if she cared why would she ignore me all together? She's done this before but not to this extent. This time it seems like she doesn't want a relationship at all. :/

- Becky - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

Sounds like you said something during the disagreement that really hurt her. If it had happened before the two week mark, I would have said to give her time. But, due to the fact it has been three weeks and she blocked you on facebook, you need to move on.

- Joseph - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

I'm sorry you've had to go through this. I've had several girls do this to me and I know how much it sucks. But you have to realize you can't make someone be your friend. If they really want to talk to you, they will. You've already done your part by reaching out, and now it's in their hands. If they want to cut it off, let them go. You'll make new friends, hopefully better ones, the kind that will stick with you for life. Smile

- Chloe - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

I'm sorry if i'm sooo offf here, but maybe she has very deep feelings for you and she's cutting you out because she feels you dont feel the same and she'd be better off without you so she can get over you and move on with life
Only got that idea because it was kind of like that with one of my boyfriends after we decided to be friends, i couldnt move on while he was still around and i feel awful to this day and still wish i could speak to him but if i did i would end up getting hurt by him again!!! maybe she feels like me

- Jodie - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

try asking her one of her friends to speak to her for you or ask if something is wrong sounds like somethings happend or something be said that she doesnt want to speak you about but untill you can find out what that is all you can really do is try calling and texting her to see if she will speak to you
hope this helps

- Outkast 01 - 11-09-2012 11:41 AM

It seems like you still have very strong feelings for her and from what you have said you guys have reduced the status of your relationship quite a bit from what it once was. I would first start evaluating what you want from her and if that is a realistic possibility at the moment. FYI Friends with benefits never works with somebody you love or have strong feelings someone ALWAYS ends up getting hurt in the long run. Don't waste your time if that is the situation because it will never be what it once was there really is no converting back once you become friends with benefits with someone you love and if you end up being back in a relationship it will not work long term trust me.

I feel for what your going through.. I would suggest NOT contacting her any more... when a women is fed up there's nothing you can do about it... I would give her space even though its hard you have to stay strong and not try to contact her.... If you wait a while i am more than certain she will contact you... Your Habit is to be demanding and that is what she is used to.. try the other approach ease up and when she is ready i am sure that she wil contact you...