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Those Facebook groups that ask you to join to see a pic or a video....? - Printable Version

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Those Facebook groups that ask you to join to see a pic or a video....? - hello! - 11-09-2012 11:33 AM

There are these facebook groups that say "OMG, this is so unbelievable. Look here." And to see the picture you need to join the group and invite 40 people. Yea, they suck. But there's more. Those facebook groups that ask you to join, then show you the WEBSITE that you need to go to, to see the video or picture. When you visit the website, there is a pop-up that says "You must take a survey to see the video or picture."
What people do, is they make a group like this, make a website at blogger or something, put some picture on it and a pop-up survey along with ads. They get paid $$$ for everybody who looks at the survey, and/or does it. One of those groups can get 500000 people looking at the site and they're website. Then get paid hundreds, even thousands of dollars from the ads/surveys on his/her site with the mass amount of people viewing it. And they can make more then one of these groups.
My question is, what do u think of all this?

- JustSomeGuy! - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

Annoying, so I save my time by not bothering with it all.

- giftfromgod - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

If you are nosey enough to spend time joining a group and inviting 40 people just to look at a PICTURE then you deserve everything you get taken for.

If you are able to make a thousand people click on a link and get paid for it, you deserve all you get as well.