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Need a girl's opinon? - john - 11-09-2012 11:34 AM


I really like this girl who I first saw one week ago and I know you shouldn't judge someone with just appearance but I just have a really strong feeling that she is really nice.
What happened was we made eye contact a few times and once she was in the library alone and I was alone as well but I was to shy to talk to her and now I really regret it because I think she expected me to come to her... Do girls like it when boys make the first move? Or if they are really into a guy would they be willing to make the 1st move?
Anyways the problem is that she is one year older than me and i'm now sure if she finds it awkward or not?
Also she isn't in any of my classes or my year group so the only chance I can see her alone is if she is in the library again...
Also I've seen her a few times but now she isn't making as much eye contact...
Maybe it was just coincidence? Maybe she didn't mean it like that when she looked at me? Or maybe it's too late? And I can't find her on facebook or anything.
Thanks a lot.
Im 16 btw and she is probably 17
Wow Smile thanks for the great feedback so far but there was one more thing on my mind. If I go up to her and strike a conversation how do I know from her mood/tone/reaction that she generally likes me or if she just wants to get rid of me?
I wouldn't say my appearance is bad as a close friend of mine (girl) actually says I look attractive.

- pearl - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

Us gurlz <3 when guys make their first move. Plus ITS THE GUY who SHOULD make their first move. And i dont think she likes u . Us girlz usually like guys our own age/grade . If she goes out w/ u then ppl will make fun of her cuz she datin a younger guy... Sad

- Kelsey - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

Sounds like a tough situation. If you see her alone again just try to strike up a conversation with her and see where it goes. Generally girls like a guy to make the first move. Her being one year older might not matter to her. It's only one year, so dont let that discourage you. I wouldnt think too much about the eye contact thing because even though it could have meant something, it could also mean nothing and jumping to conclusions usually gets people in trouble. So yea if you ever see her alone talk to her and remember, it's never too late. Good luck.

- Misha398 - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

definitely talk to her. if she hasn't made a move yet its definitely your turn. my boyfriend is a year younger than me and its really not that awkward. i made the first move with my boyfriend but if she's shy then making the move yourself will make it easier for her.

- millie - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

hi, your probably looking into to much, but im a girl and i would never dare make a first move, to making eye contact is hard, but im quite shy (untill i get to know someone). so even if a girl likes you she may be shy to approach, because making eye contact is a hard thing, not sure if its the same for boys? go to the libary and just say hi, or ask what shes doing/ what book shes reading, this way you will not embarrass yourself if shes not into you in that way! btw girls love it when a guy makes the first move, but just approach as friends type of thing and if she talks back and makes more eye contact then just get to know her and go from there!
good luck

- Jadez Gilman - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

Hey to answer your first question yes we find it confident and sweet if you take an interest with us so dont be scared to aproach her first and simply talk dont make it awkward just talk find out interests and hobbies and develop a sort of friendship and then start to ask herquestions like can i get your facebook name and then # Though if she turns away and is totally shut down it could either mean shes just really shy or it could be shes not interesteded in youor just a relationship in general

- Jojo - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

Girls do not like to make the first move!! Even if they like u a lot they probably won't ask u out. Two boys I like ALWAYS make eye contact with me and try to make me laugh it always works. Don't be shy to. talk to her, start a conversation and when u have to leave ask for her number and tell her you'll text her later and tell her the rest of whatever u were saying.
I really hope this helped!!Smile