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How to get rid of annoying continue to site ads? - Printable Version

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How to get rid of annoying continue to site ads? - Jacob Hitt - 11-09-2012 11:34 AM

When ever i try to access any site (including this one), a page pops up with a spinning prize wheel. Then it says at the top continue to site with an arrow. These ads are normal on like a download site or such but facebook and yahoo, I think its adware or an addon to mozilla that's causing it. How do I get rid of it? Please and thank you =)
By the way buzzdock showed up at around the same time as this and I can't get rid of that either...

- Pamela - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

Three things you should do:
- Run SpyBot Search & Destroy, located here:
- Run AdAware, located here:
- If still not fixed, disable any funny looking add-ons for your browser, or just disable them all and see what happens.

- Thomas C - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

yea seems like you have some kind of adware you need to figure out what adware you have or what addon is causing it and either disable it or uninstall it. if you using firefox then you should be able to disable any ad on that you have by using the firefoxe dropdown menu and click adons then disable them one at a time till you find the one thats causing it.

- Aiden - 11-09-2012 11:42 AM

download malewarebytes and scan with it and can with your normal antivirus aswell, get a firefox addon called noscript witch should help, and adblockplus