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Errors in facebook privacy settings? - Printable Version

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Errors in facebook privacy settings? - Gary P. - 11-09-2012 11:37 AM

I watched this CBS news special about how the security of Facebook profiles has been breached. By mid-April, everyone with a facebook will lose their security. Anyone can easily log into your stuff now. This means that viruses can be transmitted into your computer through your account any time you log in. How do i protect myself?

- josiedalek - 11-09-2012 11:45 AM

i think you are worrying WAY to much..

CBS's show might make things way too recent than it really is.

people could hack any facebook they wanted about 2-3 years ago.... the things have been around for a long time. but there is not a great chance that you would..
if you do get hacked and you dont want a virus, there is nothing you can do. every hacking system always is better than the preventative. the hackers can easily hack the security.

if you are paranoid about not getting a virus (you most likely wont, but you never know), i suggest getting a mac. there are hardly any existing viruses on them as they are not "compatible" as such with microsoft viruses.

i suggest not putting too many personal details on facebook. i have my cell number on it, but i am not too worried. but i dont put my address, real last name etc on it. its just a habit.