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So many emotions. Just need to let it out? - Printable Version

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So many emotions. Just need to let it out? - Yay me :) - 11-09-2012 11:37 AM

I feel like a complete failure. Im a freshman in university and I feel like I screwed up everything!
I have a huge procrastination problem and I cannot stop watching youtube videos or surfing facebook. This led me to study last minute for like two tests and I got an 80 in both of them (terrible when there are people in my class that got like 90s and 100). Also a 76 on an essay. Im eating a lot and I have gained weight and I feel terrible about myself. I tried out for executive positions on campus clubs but only got one (and my leader recently had a talk with me about how Im not doing a good job in my role). I need to get more involved but I dont know how. I need executive positions on clubs if I want a shot at getting a work placement next year.
I live on campus an hour away from home because I was stupid enough and loafted during senior year and didnt get into my top choices for university that were close by. This means my parents are spending more money on me than they should have. They bought me a new laptop this summer despite their financial condition being not that good, simply because they wanted me to do well in university. I miss them terribly and I feel like Im being an awful child just wasting their money on me. My mom got me some new clothes today when she came to visit. Their financial condition is not goof but she got it for me to make me happy.
I also have a hard time making close friends. Its easy for me to strike up conversations with people but its hard to maintain relationships and become close with them. I could study with people everyday (that way I could socialize and study) but I get verryyyy distracted in groups. However its not like Im studying when Im at home.

I had such big dreams when I got into university. Now I see people who are way more involved in extracirriculars, way smarter and way more social than me. And here I am. I feel like Im going to amount into nothing.

My parents have done SOOO much for me to get to this place. I feel terrible being so awful and wasting their money. Its not like I dont want to study. I just have a very bad procrastination and an internet addiction.
I dont know what to do.

- court - 11-09-2012 11:45 AM

go out side on a rainy day find a farm and just scream. it works

- Jelly Bean - 11-09-2012 11:45 AM

these things take time! your only, what, a month in'
your parents didnt just forget their money problem. if they could;t make it work, they would do it. they do it because they love you and want to nurture you as far away as you ard. its their way of showing you you still need them.
as for friends, what life long relationships have you made in six weeks?give it time; meet one friend, you'll meet their friends, and yoju have a whole circle(:
your in a new, ultra competitive enviorment. its natural to need some time to settle in
as for weight, ever hear of the freshman 15? your NORMAL(:

- Pastor Ken - 11-09-2012 11:45 AM

I have a question for you.

- Liz - 11-09-2012 11:45 AM

See a doctor.