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facebook and webcam help? - Printable Version

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facebook and webcam help? - Pit Bulls are angels in their earth form - 11-09-2012 11:43 AM

recently i have not been able to take any webcam photos while on my facebook. i know how to do it being as i have done it before. up until about a week or so ago i have had no problem taking webcam photos and uploading them to my facebook. my webcam works just fine any other time. really the problem is that the option of taking a webcam photo disappeared all of a sudden and i dont know why or how. i can only upload pics and videos already downloaded onto my laptop. is there a way to maybe change it back so i have the option of taking a webcam photo? like changing my profile to something else. it automatically changes when a new profile look comes up. (like the timeline change, and the way the photos are viewed, etc)
on fb rounds it does. but the option of just taking a webcam photo is gone from my status menu

- kat - 11-09-2012 11:51 AM

What about if you go on the Rounds app ( )? Does it let you take pics there?