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How do those apps on facebook predict your best friends? - Printable Version

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How do those apps on facebook predict your best friends? - misspriss - 11-09-2012 11:44 AM

How do those app things that you click on predict who your best friends are? like do they look at who comments you the most?

thanks! =)

- Love Canada. - 11-09-2012 11:52 AM

Facebook is a money making business disguised to look like a "friends network"
You can count on it to sort out your acquaintances into gullibility order.
Nobody "looks" at anything, its all done by computers

- I####~~~~~~~S - 11-09-2012 11:52 AM

They don't know which is your best friend or anything when play game or anything they always say that this person has a higher score but yet they played the game before.

I think they can use your friends when you add a app and you click ALLOW that's how they pick out your friends