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What's your take on this story: goofy, funny, brilliant, sad? - Printable Version

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What's your take on this story: goofy, funny, brilliant, sad? - The Contentious Otter - 11-09-2012 11:45 AM

In yet another twist on the world's oldest profession, prostitutes are now using Facebook to keep in contact with repeat customers. Said one young lady who works under the name "Mandy Rose", "If a guy calls on my backpage ad a couple of times, and I've met him and he seems nice, I'll just give him my Facebook. It's not like it's my real account that I use to talk to my friends from high-school or anything. Also, if I make it easier for the guys who seem decent to find me again and I can line up some regulars then I won't even have to run the backpage and keep meeting all these strangers."

This was a draft from a story from a friend who writes for a local paper... the editor decided not to run it.

- KALIM - 11-09-2012 11:53 AM


- Ross - 11-09-2012 11:53 AM

A little sad, but i guess thats the theme of that industry.