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Is Yahoo answers just another jab by Yahoo to make ppl look at there ads? - Printable Version

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Is Yahoo answers just another jab by Yahoo to make ppl look at there ads? - teeny-tinybook545 - 11-09-2012 11:46 AM

I was wondering if Yahoo Answers is just another Facebook, another Google. Another waste of time? It's got a great concept ill admit that much, but do you think Yahoo would have come up with the same idea if the dollar signs werent there to back it up? Bottom line, are corporations and banks going to run the world forever? Or will real people start making real changes to this world at some point? Whereas people can start caring about people again?

- Stephen K - 11-09-2012 11:54 AM

It is a brilliant mistake and is just an ad conduit

- Kung Fu Panda - 11-09-2012 11:54 AM

like the question but dont get the answers is free to use so therefore we must put up with the ads.i dont mind the ads in here as much as i do when i check my mail or do a search.thats why google is my homepage,ad free

i think most ads are java person below me.

- scrawnyscent384 - 11-09-2012 11:54 AM

ads?? what ads?? I use firefox and Adblock so I don't see any ads.. maybe you should to. i don't ge them for FB or MS either, unless they are flash.

- teebee - 11-09-2012 11:54 AM

i dont see any ads. prolly because im usually on a school computer and its protected really well

- Bad Hamster III - 11-09-2012 11:54 AM

The world revolves around cash. Yahoo is no different.

I can't wait to see how long until your question is deleted though. Any post that doesn't outright bow down and praise Yahoo in the Answers category generally gets wiped out.

This is by far the most ruthless and fascist forum in all of Y!A.

- Mightyvoyage768 - 11-09-2012 11:54 AM

When a website tries to attract advertisers, they are usually asked about the volume of visitors to the site.

The more options Yahoo can provide to induce people to visit the site, the higher this count will be...and the more impressed potential advertisers will be.

So Yahoo uses the traffic count of this portion of their site to "pad" the stats and make the advertisers more impressed.

And of course they also hope visitors to this part of the site will also click on ads.