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On facebook if you had a picture it speaks a million words? - Printable Version

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On facebook if you had a picture it speaks a million words? - starcraftstrategist - 11-09-2012 11:46 AM

So I made a facebook account. I didn't add any of my real friends yet just people on facebook randomly. Didn't even put a picture of myself on there. Whenever I post on walls or something interesting nobody ever replies, but whenever a friend of mine who's some young chinese underage girl post something on wall immediately she gets a million replies from people all over the country who don't even know her personally.
Do people just ignore you if you don't have a picture of yourself what''s the deal?
This girl I know he befriends strangers, people not in her country or know her personally. She gets a bunch of hits as if they were close family.

- fruitcrap - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

Pictures say a lot ...

if most of your pics are of outdoor activities / picturs of travelling around the world - it just makes it look like you're up for adventures / like being outdoors / love life perhaps.

if pictures include a lot of partying, other friends, lots of people -- others can assume you're sociable, which also makes people think you'd get along with them

Pictures of only your cats and dogs would send a boring message out ... yeah I guess pics matter.

- Ryan - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

So you made an anonymous account, and started befriending a bunch of total strangers? I don't blame people for not replying to your posts...