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Can anyone help me with affiliate marketing ? - Printable Version

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Can anyone help me with affiliate marketing ? - Jason - 11-09-2012 11:47 AM

I have looked all over the internet for information on how to really sell affiliate products. I have built a website, worked articles, worked facebook, worked twitter, and tried classifieds. Nothing seems to work at all. I can't seem to drive traffic to any information I give out. For example I have done many reviews for many different things. I have tried building content, keywords, and plenty of graphics on my site. I would really like help from someone that has actually sold affiliate products and I'm not talking has become a millionaire I just need a way to make some extra money online. Please do not try to sell me an ebook, training program, or anything like that. I'm looking for someone that could talk to me or point me in the direction of a free information site that actually takes me step by step to make 1 sell. If I can make that one sell I will know how to do it and will be able to repeat it. So can anyone help me with affiliate marketing ?
If affiliate marketing is now dead can anyone tell me what I can do online to make money? I really need to make extra money to take care of more things at home. Please do not try to sell me an ebook, training programs, or anything like that. I know things can be done for free it just takes a little info to get moving in the correct direction.

- Little Debi - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

affiliate marketing is soooo last decade

too many out there now that most just ignore them

i jumped on that bandwagon 10 years ago and got out of it fast

- Neil - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

The one main thing for successful affiliate marketing is to have a substantial mailing list in a particular niche.

All your efforts should be to develop as large a mailing list as possible in a niche.

If you wish to operate in several niches, you need to have separate mailing lists.

- GenetiX - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

So, generally, affiliate marketing is very popular right now, so you need to find good way to get to your customers. I advice you to read Ebook about viral marketing (and other on site). Viral marketing gives you really nice chance to get your business / site grow up, even without paying big attention after rolling it up. Link to ebook:

Also other way to make some money online is selling ebooks write by somebody. You can make it fully legally if Ebook is published with MRR / PLR License. You can get more info about it on the same Blog:

So, decision belongs to you Wink Good luck with your future business

- Andrew - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

Hi Jason,

Affiliate Markeing is definitely not dead. The only possible reason why you are not making any money at it is because you are just not driving enough targeted traffic to your links at a cheap enough price.
So how is your problem solved? Simply by building a targeted list and then emailing your list with your affiliate offers. This is absoloutely the best way because you do not have to keep on paying for the traffic.You can even make money without even selling anything just by doing CPA (cost per action) affiliate offers.

- Oryptic - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

Hi Jason,
Affiliate marketing isn't totally dead yet. If it was, then why are so many people still making money out of it? Why are companies such as clickbank still thriving? Personally, affiliate marketing never appealed to me. I think the key to building a business online is in the email list. What I suggest is building a reputation in a certain niche (such as a blog, or writing articles), and then offering the audience a free incentive (opting into the list). Once you get that list up to around 1000 people, you're practically set for life. Just keep them interested, and sell then either affiliate links, or your own products.

- rhenium3 - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

I would definitely build your mailing list as you are building traffic as that is a powerful tool. But it is all about traffic.

You said you "worked articles", but you didn't mention doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This by far gets me the most traffic and is the best to spend my time on when it concerns my websites. Great content is great, but if it isn't optimized it isn't going to give you traffic.

So I would recommend to start working on that. Once you get the traffic, you can start working on Conversion rates, etc. has some free tools for learning, same as

However, most of the good stuff is paid. As it should be. Because SEO makes people a lot of money. I didn't learn it for free, eventually I had to take some courses (Well, I actually went to a conference on the subject). And you will most likely too if you want to become an expert in the matter.

- Landon - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

what kind of content are you willing to create that people will look at?

attach the affiliate links to content people will actually like.