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Would Mitt Romney be proud of these "Job Creators" and their innovations? - Printable Version

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Would Mitt Romney be proud of these "Job Creators" and their innovations? - The Contentious Otter - 11-09-2012 11:47 AM

In yet another twist on the world's oldest profession, prostitutes are now using Facebook to keep in contact with repeat customers. Said one young lady who works under the name "Mandy Rose", "If a guy calls on my backpage ad a couple of times, and I've met him and he seems nice, I'll just give him my Facebook. It's not like it's my real account that I use to talk to my friends from high-school or anything. Also, if I make it easier for the guys who seem decent to find me again and I can line up some regulars then I won't even have to run the backpage and keep meeting all these strangers."

The Romney campaign was not available for comment on this story, however we have to assume that Mitt would be very proud of these "Job Creators" and their innovative approach to creating stimulus!
I would assume knowing how to hide your friends list is critical to making this work.
@ Zuma - you raise a good counter-argument, seeing as Republicans traditionally are the "Middle-Men" of the world- brokers, salesmen, etc. -they would probably hate this story and this young woman for being independent of a man.

- mexicanninja11 - 11-09-2012 11:56 AM

if Romney is made President then CT, will lose more jobs. Many people in CT depend on companies like Sikorsky, to give them their jobs (military program). Mitt wants to go back to Bush based military plans and funding. Which would mean a cut in jobs, for companies like Sikorsky. Bush cut and delayed Helicopter projects at Sikorsky, (cancellation of the Comanche). This caused people to lose money and their jobs. That is why I say no to mitt Romney. He says military power but he will only hurt places like Sikorsky, if he goes back to bush Military plans/ funding like he wants.
This how Romney wants to "strengthen" our military and "create" more jobs.

- Ken C - 11-09-2012 11:56 AM

At least she's not on the welfare roll. Are you?

- george - 11-09-2012 11:56 AM

No, but Ron Paul would.

- Midfield Mistake - 11-09-2012 11:56 AM

Yup we built that

- Alan Turing - 11-09-2012 11:56 AM

Well, Romney wears those magic underwear. Mandy probably already knows about magic underwear.

- zuma - 11-09-2012 11:56 AM

And eliminated the Middleman(Pimp)..Modern-day capitalism..

You ever see .."Square-up"..It's a fob that plugs into I-pad, i-phone, etc.. , and acts as Credit Card swipe,..that connects to your Bank account..(Too bad the stock is private)..Ah Ha Ha..

- adeline - 11-09-2012 11:56 AM

She's an adult who makes her own choices, which is how it should be. She is not on welfare. Kudos to her. So who cares whether Romney OR Obama would be proud of her?