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Should I ignore this guy I really like?? (please read below!)? - Printable Version

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Should I ignore this guy I really like?? (please read below!)? - Mara - 11-09-2012 11:49 AM

Ok so well the thing is I really, really like this's so bad it's like a craazy obsession. Every chance I get to talk to him or hang out with him, I do. See, well we are friends but not super close (since I only knew him since about a year ago and we barely started hanging out more now, not before) and we talk too much on facebook.

I always felt like he was leading me on because he's very flirty, and his personality is just like very confident, fun and he's talkative so I love talking to him because I never get bored. That's what I feel makes him so attractive. We hang out at school every once in a while but usually he'll say "hi" to me first...Like today I was just walking out with another friend at school, and he was way far across but waved at me shouting my name (as usual lol)...I thought it was soo sweet! He's always like that and loves to give me hugs..(but I'll say I notice he does that with others as well)

OK now you see why I'm like soo confused!? I keep getting all these mixed signals thinking he liked me too all this time!! So yeah, I made a "bad' mistake assuming that cuz he doesn't!! I spoke to my friend about it(this happened last week before school started) and told her how I felt about this guy (we're all both friends with him. In fact, I met him through her)...Anyways, she was all happy I said that and texted him a short msg asking him if he thinks I'm cute and if he had fun with me last time (by the way me and that guy did have lunch at a nice restraunt last time so yeah I was so gonna ask but didnt' want to make the first move and didn't....but you see doesn't that sound like a date too??) I just feel like I'm misunderstanding but all these signs would show someone's
Anyways my friend kept the text short and simple.

Just last night he texted her back saying that was a werid qustion to ask him, and that he sees me just as a FRIEND. I saw the text too, he just don't seem interested in me Sad

But I always thought by everything he did plus all the time (like hours even) we talk and hang out he would like me too. So it's kinda disappointing....not to mention embarrasing. I'm so glad now I didn't ask him when we were out together and she asked like that by text but it seemed like a bad idea to ask him even. Do you think the simple text my friend sent was a good idea or should I have just asked him or not done anything??

The worst part is that I saw him again at school the first day and he acted all nice to me saying hi and talking to me...yet I just couldn't talk to him the same way anymore. I tried to keep it short and said I had to go somewhere but it did hurt me he still acts like that anddont notice after he got that text....why he does that?? not like he has a gf even. So I dont get it. And I don't want to keep thinking about him (like I'm obviously doing now!!) and want to move on if he dont like me....but since we're friends (and have similar friends group that all hang out at school) so it's kinda hard...should I just ignore him and stop being his friend?? Since I want something more...because it's hard to do this, Like seriously every time I see him I fall and I just want to avoid him yet my heart hurts not being around him Sad

- Esther - 11-09-2012 11:58 AM

The text was so long, so I'm not gonna lie, I didn't read it.
But from the title I will say: Don't waste time playing games, it won't get you anywhere. Just be honest. If he likes you he likes you, if he doesn't you can move on.

- kelgal07 - 11-09-2012 11:58 AM

just be friends with him. if he gives mixed signals and flirts with lots of girls, i dont think hes serious