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Boyfriend won't accept my relationship request on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Boyfriend won't accept my relationship request on Facebook? - Ashleigh - 11-09-2012 11:50 AM

Ok so I've been seeing a boy for just over four months now. But he only asked me to be his girlfriend officially last month. I changed my fb relationship status to 'in a relationship' but I wanted to wait until he done the same thing before I added him in. About 3 days later he done it, so I then sent him a request. I told him I sent it, and he said he didn't get it because he's usually on fb on his phone, so I waited about another week. Then one day I went on and he had edited his profile and removed 'In a relationship' off his, so it now doesn't say anything. I asked him why he done this and he said, 'it's still there'.. I don't know why he lied because i know he has removed it. I just get the feeling he's embarrassed to be with me, he likes so many other girls photos on Facebook and I pretend not to care when I do. I think about leaving him, but I really really like him and he is always the perfect boyfriend when I'm with him. What should I do? Sad

- Andy - 11-09-2012 11:58 AM

Coming from a blokes point of view he's leaving it like that so he chat with other girls with no problems. I've done this before im ashamed to say so as I'm in a relationship now and have been for a year but he's defiantly playin you. Dump him and find another bloke he ain't worth the air you breathe

- Scarlott - 11-09-2012 11:58 AM

How old are you?
LEAVE HIM, he doesn't want other girls to see he's in a relationship with anyone because he still flirts etc and if he's doing that he will cheat later on in relationship. Trust me you will leArn the hard way if you put up with that sh*t ....... There will be someone eles better for you who will only want you not anyone else.

- Lizzzzzz - 11-09-2012 11:58 AM

I hate that now a days a relationship has to be "Facebook Official"
I think I'm the only teenager that hates all this new technology crap.

- Andrew - 11-09-2012 11:58 AM

Truthfully guys just suck at giving back the affection that we give for them.

In many instances I find myself amongst a game between my my heart and common sense.