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Need Help For Pitbulls? - dagnabbit - 11-09-2012 11:51 AM

I'm trying to start a little online Pitbull Awareness/Rescue group until I can find the means to start a physical one. I need help getting the page more likes and views to help kickstart the whole thing. If you don't mind, could you please help these wonderful dogs out?

Thank you so much!
I'm not even going to get into a discussion with someone as senseless and uneducated about the breed as you, Anthony. I'm sure you've never taken the time to learn about these amazing dogs. Please, do some research.

I've worked with many Pitbulls and not once have I ever felt my safety was threatened.
Another thing, if raised correctly, a Pitbull is just like any other dog. If socialized correctly, they are in not way dog aggressive.
no way*
Please, "dear." This is exactly why there needs to be people standing up for these fantastic dogs. No dog is "genetically" aggressive. Yes, some are dog aggressive, but also, so are everyone's lovely Chihuahuas, Boxers, Cattle Dogs, Poodles, etc.. Any dog is can be aggressive, if not socialized correctly. I made the mistake of not socializing my Border Collie/Australian Cattle Dog mix as a puppy and she is incredibly dog aggressive. Does this mean all Border Collies are aggressive? No. Don't blame the breed, blame the owners. It's as simple as that.

I work at a humane society where we gets dogs in of all sorts of breeds and temperaments. This means that I have been well exposed to the Pitbull breed. So, please, before you judge something you don't know, go meet a Pitbull and see if you still believe they are so "vicious."
In the 70's, they blamed the Dobermans. In the 80's, they blamed the German Shepherds. In the 90's, they blamed the Rottweilers. Now, they blame the Pitbulls. When will we blame the humans?

Also, in early America, Pitbulls were the most popular family dog. People train them to do what they want. They were bred for being LOYAL and that's exactly what they do.
Thank you, Chunky Lard! As of right now, I just want to start a little online "rescue" where people can share stories and pictures of Pitbulls (or any breed) that needs rescued. The more people see their faces, the more likely they are to be saved.
Eventually, I want to start my own real rescue.

- Anthony - 11-09-2012 11:59 AM

Pitbulls are violent dogs. Do not tell me "no they're not its how they're raised bla bla bla".

It's not how they are raised. They're an aggressive breed. It's in their DNA. They're banned Ireland and some states in USA.

They are horrible dogs, they're too aggressive, they're too wicked.

- Ama - 11-09-2012 11:59 AM

Anthony- APBT are dog aggressive-not human aggressive. It isn't the same thing. They should never be human aggressive.
* * *

Genetically -APBT are dog aggressive. They always will be, there will always be that chance. Some might not be, but the chance is always there since it is in the breeds genetics. No matter how a dog is raised, you can't change genetics. That doesn't mean the dogs are unstable if dog aggressive. If you are trying to educate people on the breed, it is best you accept all of the breed.

(I like APBT, by the way, but I think-like with any breed- all of the breed, it's history and genetics, should be accepted and not hid/covered up)

* * *

ADD: I was trying to be nice and understanding because it seems like your heart is in the right place-but now I feel you might not know anything about the breed and are just repeating what you've read/heard.

Some breeds are genetically dog aggressive-it is what they were bred for, it's what has been desired from the breed and something wanted in the breed for a long, long time. That's not all the breed is about but that is a fact that is there and should be acknowledged. You denying this is just you being ashamed of some part/history of the breed you claim to love. Hiding the truth won't help anyone, especially not the breed.

A dog being genetically dog aggressive or having the chance to be dog aggressive because it is in it's genetics does not mean the dog is some monster. It does not mean the dog is unstable. All it means is the dog won't get along with other dogs. Owners of this breed need to be aware of this so they know what to watch out for, to prevent any fights from happening. Dog aggression can be handled and the dogs can live happy and full lives with great temperaments(aside from when it comes to other dogs).

If you plan on helping this breed- Accept it and tell the truth. If people know about the breed they won't be surprised when their dog chases after another animal, they won't be surprised when their dog shows aggression toward other dogs. This will help the breed. The better educated people are the less they fear and the more they accept.

The problem is people confuse human aggression with dog aggression.

It's not the same thing. An APBT should NEVER be human aggressive, they shouldn't show even a slight amount of human aggression. The only dog that is human aggressive is an unstable dog. One that comes from a bad breeding-which again, genetics. You can't change genetics. If a dog is unstable-which can happen with any breed or size of dog-it will be unstable/aggressive toward humans no matter how nice it's owners are, no matter how caring it's owners are/how it's raised.

- Danielle - 11-09-2012 11:59 AM

A stupid FB page with nothing but crap about how sweet and loving they are isn't going to change anyone's mind!

Seriously what a load of BS. Do you realize you're actually doing more HARM than GOOD for the breed by saying they're "just like any other dog"? Do you have any idea what the American Pit Bull Terrier was BRED for?

EDIT- I OWN one and she IS dog aggressive. It has nothing to do with the way she was raised. She's an AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER....genetically hardwired for OTHER ANIMAL AGGRESSION.

You are blinded by your ignorance. For the sake of the APBT, SHUT UP.

- Chunky Lard - 11-09-2012 11:59 AM

Well, I liked the page. I'm not sure what good that will do though. a) I live in Australia. b) what ACTION are you taking?