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How do Facebook ads know EVERYTHING? - Printable Version

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How do Facebook ads know EVERYTHING? - Shriekingqueen296 - 11-09-2012 11:54 AM

Sounds kind of stupid, but I legitimately want to know! My roommate and I were trying to figure this out when we went on Facebook and we realized that there was an ad for the brand of birth control she uses and it had a little ad about a sustainability class offered at our college that she's thinking about taking...neither of which she has mentioned on facebook anywhere. Then, I went on mine it had an ad to download the song I was listening to on iTunes. It's fucking weird and I want to know how it knows everything!
Thanks you guys! We were like freaking out haha we must have called like half the girls in our sorority trying to figure this out (of course they didn't know, but we were bored so what the hell). Definitely pretty creepy though! I'm not really down with all my stuff just being looked through by some random computer thing, but I guess that's what you get for using the internet!

- manda panda :) - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

hahahaha wow thats weird........

- MysteriousOne - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

Very weird coincidence!

- zunefan26 - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

Well, advertisers can have their ads show up for a certain age group (my friend set up an ad to target 13-17 year old girls for the Jonas Brothers), so that could be part of it.

- J - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

It monitors the cookies on your computer. Cookies keep information about everything you look up. Its actually rather easy to have adds that are tailored towards you. Your cookies are basically readily available to be read by any site you go to.

- Rachel - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

i bet it has access to your computer, because my gmail does that. I swear, i was chatting about some inside joke about cherubim angels ( dont ask) and i scrolled to the top of the page, and there it was - CHERUBIM ANGELS STARTING .44 CENTS ON EBAY- scared the s*** out if me. then i figured out that they actually use what is in your conversations to target you for ads.

- Erin :) - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

J is right Smile

It's weird and stalkerish though.

- ml88b - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

"J" has it right.....and dont worry, its not just I'm a type 1 diabetic and I see adds about insulin on Y!A quite often. How the heck does Y!A know I'm diabetic?! lol

- MB - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

Facebook basically spys on you. If you send messages or email or IM from your account they have software that looks for keywords and other info they can use to target advertising at you.
It's the same thing with Google. If you use Gmail or the Chrome browser it is monitoring your emails, web surfing, and Instant Messaging for information. SO if you search the web for say, a new laptop, you will get ads for laptops from various laptop manufacturers that advertise with Google.
Other social websites do the same thing. Your life is an open book to them, and the more information you give them or send others, the more they can target advertising towards you.Kinda scary, huh.
Also know that various government agencies and large corporations also monitor social websites for whoever posts their private information publicly.
A Federal court just ruled that you as a person can have no expectation of privacy on the internet, as the information goes through third party servers, (your ISP) and if it's not encrypted then anyone can access legally.