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What do u think is up with her? Advice please :)? - Printable Version

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What do u think is up with her? Advice please :)? - heygirl128 - 11-09-2012 11:55 AM

Hi, I would appreciate if I could get some advice on my situation Smile.

Alright, well im a lipstick lesbian..anyways so a few years ago, i met this girl one night. We are both in college. my guy friend was telling someone how im a lesbian ( cuz most ppl dont believe it at 1st) and how im “so hot” and the second he said that, this girl’s eyes shot to me, we locked eyes, then she looked away super fast and at the ground. Then immediately acted super shy towards me, almost to the point of becoming mute lol she wouldnt say a word, would look at me then away immediately, acted very tense so i figured maybe she hated gay people, or was definitely gay and scared of her attraction to me. ( ppl in the past have been nervous around me , so this isn’t the 1st time, however this was the most intense reation I have ever experienced lol). And she didnt seem like one of those girls who is touchy to everybody and just wants attention. Well later in the night i said i have to go to the bathroom to some of the group, and when i said that she sprung up and goes ” Oh ill go with u!” i was completely surprised and confused cus she hadnt said anything all night until that moment LOL….well so then she made moves on me and we madeout multiple times then were holdin hands, cuddling kissing, makin out, a little boob touching lol, had her arm around me around my waist while walking, etc, and this was in private and like in an area of the party not around many people, a few friends i was with saw us and a few other random ppl but it wasnt like we were doing it for attention. So yea we did that all night her initiating pretty much everything the kisses, holding hands,etc, exchanged numbers , and told me how im so beautiful. & it was clear she was loving it, was clear she was still nervous as well, but definitely was loving it otherwise she wouldn’t have been all over me and making all of the moves. A guy hit on me later in the night , which apparently got her jealous and said “This is MY girlfriend, we are lesbians meaning not into boys” (which completely suprised me as well). We madeout and kissed numerous times and her having her arm around me alot and holding hands, were really enjoying being with eachother, again with her making mostly all of the moves . I figured , this girl definitely is a lesbian and my first guess was right, that she was mega nervous bc she was attracted to me alot. i thought this was the start to something great…

WELL, so after that night she avoided me like the plague for over a year. I tried texting her, no response, adding her on facebook, which prompted her to deny the request the block me. SO, I was under the impression this girl clearly hated me lol…. (for some reason I would have no idea for, considering a few nights ago she was so nervous/shy to me and we eventually hooked up nonstop lol). Either she hated me, or she hated me because she hated herself for being attracted to me. Anyways tho, she , yes, is back in my life now. And she acts very odd to me , sometimes very flirty or “suggestable” as id call it (usually when it is just me and her, like when she sees me randomly on campus and nobody she knows is around), for example she saw me walking one day with my head down looking at my ipod and decided she was gonna run up to me grab me and pick me up with the biggest smile on her face and surprise me. ( I was completely blown away). but other times acting very tense, awkward around me and sometimes avoiding me or even RUNNING AWAY. And she only acts this way to me, and my friends have noticed it as well. At 1 the bar a few months ago, she obviusly saw me but acted awkward and didnt say hi to me. Then one of my friends who is a girl( and is straight but she doesnt know that) saw me, i went to hangout with her and it was clear i was having a fun time, out of the corner of my eye i could see this girl staring at me, and then about 15 minutes later my gay guy friend pulled me aside and told me that this girl had asked him Where i had went ! . what the hell? she didnt even say hi to me , but yet she is wondering where i am? Doesnt make sense. Why do u think she did that?

SO, I obviously know that it isn’t that she hates me, due to how she sometimes acts very warm to me. But anyways onto my question, I just kinda want to analyze the whole reason as to why she avoided me like the plague after “That Night” that we met and hooked up. I mean, I would understand if like I had been aggressive and made moves on her and she clearly didn’t want me or something lol, but like, she was the one to MAKE the moves, she was the one who acted mega nervous/why towards me, etc u get the point. So, is it defense mechanisms because she is scared to be a lesbian? What do u guys think? And have u ever been in a similar situation or seen somebody act like this because they are maybe scared to come to terms with their attraction to somebody? Thanks Smile
she hasnt had a boyfriend in the few years i have known her. ( i dont even know if she has ever been in a relationship, i dont think she has). Ppl have also wondered as to why she doesnt really hook up with guys.

- reme_1 - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

She might be terrified to come out.
People in the closet act strangely sometimes.
If you want aggravation in your life keep hoping she will come out of the closet soon.
Otherwise, be done with her and get on with your life.
This behavior is driving you crazy and you don't need that in your life.
Do you have a gay club at school? Start meeting more well adjusted gals.
HUGS from a senior lesbian,

- evil Hesh - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

its obvious she is attracted in you. but as to why she is acting like this is interesting. so many questions like is she religious?has she had feelings for a girl before you? has she ever made out and more with another girl? did you notice a friend of hers when she was ignoring you but not there when she is friendly?

but the only one who can answer is her. next time she approaches you, ask her to sit and ask her the truth. hold her hand and be friendly and listen to her because its a fear of something. and hopefully things can work out for you because she has left an impression on you. i hope you can work things out and all the happiness to you Smile

- ~ Victoria ~ - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

Hmm...I know someone like this, and she's my bi-sexual best friend Smile
For the girl that you know, I presume that she might either have had no lesbian encounter whatsoever (never dated a girl), a bi-curios girl who is afraid to express herself or that she is a closet lesbian who is still hiding in the closet Smile

My best friend was similar to this, she's get all jumpy, nervous and run away from situations were is was related to her "crushing/liking" a girl (people would say she liked this girl or she's bi-sexual). She wouldn't/couldn't admit she was a lesbian/bi-sexual (even though she had crushes on girls --") because she was afraid of how people would judge her (because of homo-phobic class mates/ girls judged her a lot for being tomo-boyish :L etc), but somehow she managed to get a girlfriend. At first she'd say she's "Bi-curios" and that's she's more into guys and would get nervous when her girlfriend touched her (kissed her cheeks, gave her flowers etc in public, but never when they're alone with me!), but by then I realised I was a lesbian, and had a private talk to her and supported her, telling her it's ok to accept who you are, because we're all normal and there's nothing to be ashamed of. I introduced her to lesbian friends (a few from school) and told her to join LGBT community forums where she felt comfortable. Then finally she admitted in being a bi-sexual, not bi-curios, and now, she's even admitting she's a lesbian, and my best friend and her partner have been in love since and I'm very proud of her Smile

She seems to be attracted to you, but she seems to be able to come to term that she's a lesbian/bi-sexual, so I suggest that you should have a private chat with her, discuss about her sexuality. If she's not comfortable, give her time, and eventually she'll open up. Take her to LGBT places; lesbians clubs etc etc, and show her a lesbian club site (so she can talk to people) and if you know some lesbians, introduce her! Then most likely she'll open up.

Goodluck Smile