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What to do about being seldomly ignored every now and then by a friend? - Printable Version

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- Inspiring - 11-09-2012 12:04 PM

Take a break from contacting them.
They will notice you not contacting them and become worried.

If they don't...they weren't your friend. :C

- KaTeY!! - 11-09-2012 12:04 PM

Ask them why they're doing this. I sometimes get sent a message on facebook but I won't get a notification for it, so it'll come through but I have no idea that it's there and only discover it later. I had a friend repeatedly ignore my texts a few months ago and I went to her and asked her straight out if she was ignoring me for a reason and she said no, it's not me in particular, she just doesn't always reply to messages that she gets. She could've been lying but I don't think so because I don't always reply to messages also. I know it's a bit rude not to but it's either because I don't have money to do so or if it's on facebook or MSN I'm tired and tell myself I'll reply later and then I completely forget about it and forget that I still need to reply. The best way to sort this out is to just ask. Don't sound like you're accusing your friend of anything though, because then he/she might get defensive. Just bring it up casually like "hey, why didn't you reply to my message? Were you busy?" or "I noticed you sometimes don't reply to messages I send, so I was just wondering if they come through to your computer/cellphone because I know that sometimes messages don't come through to mine". The best way to get an answer is to just ask straight out, playing games around it such as ignoring your friend back or sending different types of messsages to figure out which ones your friend won't reply to will just take a whole lot longer than asking and might not even come up with a certain answer.

Good luck!

- myfavouritelucy - 11-09-2012 12:04 PM

Seldomly is a nonexistent word... seldom means 'hardly ever'... and you would never need to add 'ly' to it. I am assuming you mean 'randomly'? I think thing the reason you are being ignored now and then is possibly that you are sending messages that make no sense, and you are purposely being 'enigmatic' to live up to your supposed reputation for being so.