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Do you think this guy is gay hes never mentioned having a girlfriend? - Printable Version

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Do you think this guy is gay hes never mentioned having a girlfriend? - Mizzcasual - 11-09-2012 11:56 AM

I like this guy in university we're on the same course. We were each others first person to speak to. We're both shy but he's shyer than me. We spend so much time together there we, sit beside each other and when we do we have our arms or legs touching or we're just close like with personal space we let each go into. And like say if his arm hit of mine he'd leave it there. We hang with each other at lunch/breaks. We go everywhere together he always asks me what I'm going to do and comes with me wherever I go. We still speak to others in the class we're always together. The lads have started to tease us like for instance .Last week during our break inbetween our lecture me and him went off as usual . We came back I checked Facebook it has his name Lee loves Trish 4eva tagged in a post. He blushed when I showed him and commented "you wanker haha" . He left the tag there so did I but neither of us let it appear on our profile . Wednesday in first class the guy was like to Lee i"sit official? isit official yet?" he just smiled blushing again and the guy said" I'll take that as a yes then you're not saying no".In next class the guys were messing with two other people pretending to be a couple after the other guy said "no love has to be real and lasting like Lee and Trish(me)". Lee blushed and smiled as the guys went "oh look he's blushing". Another one of the guys then said "your love is better than twilight."
He always blushes whenever teased there's been other situations similar.

We had a 2 hour break as we got let out early. I got him to walk to town with me it's 10mins away he didn't really want to and was like "oh I dunno" then I said to walk to tesco which was halfway there then when we got there I got him to walk to town and he gave in. We were there for about an hour getting what we want then walked back. We spoke a lot along the way and back. He also said he hates saying no like those people ask you to buy things. Then on the way back he was joking about how it's so far away and long that he hates walking. I was just joking saying it was 10mins away which it was. Then just sat outside to eat.

When we got back the guys teased us again saying ooo as we walked into the class. Then one guy asked him why he didn't asked why he didn't text back on Friday he said not sure he was busy then the guy was like busy busy doing what. Then the other guy said oh he was busy in the sarcastic joke tease way. I think he blushed and smiled. After they were like did you take her(me) to the cinema, what do you see? when we didn't . Then the guy who usually teases him turned around and said Lee that's deep love and he just laughed . I told him I like him and he said nothing then avoided me later I had to ask him and he said hes sorta with someone but we're not on facebook an said it's the girl in my profile pic.

- Helen - 11-09-2012 12:05 PM

No he's not gay. He simply kept her a secret because he's a self-centred, attention-seeking twit. Not so shy after all, it would seem. This guy is a class A "player". I'm sorry you've been made a fool of, but you need to look at it from a different light. You've had a lucky escape here, and at least you know the truth now.
How would you feel if you were his girlfriend? To know that he'd been getting close to another girl; spending all his time with her, leading her on? Allowing his university friends to tease him about it; allowing not only them, but another innocent girl to assume that he is single?
It's unfair on you, and it's most certainly unfair on her.
Think about it from another perspective.
IGNORE this loser from now on. You're worth more.