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Girl problem :( Plz help!!!! I'll answer urs!? - Printable Version

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Girl problem :( Plz help!!!! I'll answer urs!? - bigstraw005 - 11-09-2012 11:57 AM

Thanks, now I have your attention,

First I want to ask out this girl, but dont know how and I want to be closer to her first, that's what I want help with, can you help me start talking to her and to get closer to her?

so i like this girl called emily, I'm wanting to ask her out. she is the best looking girl in my year, in my opinion (not meaning to sound shallow, cause I do like her for we personality Smile looks are a bonus :/ my grandpa always said that you should marry an ugly woman cause they can't get any worse haha), but otheres dont seem to think so :L I play rugby, but i have a slight belly, i am starting to go to the gym on the 5x5 stronglifts program. We have spoken quite a few times on facebook, ad i really like her. Im 15, so is she .

(Just turned 15 on tuesday)
im 6ft, quite broad, with a mediumly sized afro. in the first 2 yearas of highschool, i didnt have a great popularity, but its better now.

she goes to my chemistry supported study too. It's a coincidence we go to it though

- Moby Richard - 11-09-2012 12:05 PM

Be yourself ask if she wants to hang out with you some time. You're both 15 so I don't think it'll be the end of the world if it doesn't work out, so just go for it Smile it's better to just get it over with than wasting time trying to be brave. Smile

- cooldude123 - 11-09-2012 12:05 PM

Just get close to her, that's all you can do. And be yourself Smile

Be kind, friendly and funny Smile and when you feel comfortable them ask her out